[TYPES/announce] [Deadline extention] ML 2024 – Call for presentations: ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop

Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni Guillaume.Munch-Maccagnoni at inria.fr
Tue Jun 4 11:08:49 EDT 2024

Dear all,

We extended the deadline for presentation proposals at the ML workshop 
(@ ICFP 2024) to *June 14th*.

If you cannot join us in Milan, remote presentations are also possible.

Please find the complete CFP below.

Best regards,

Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni

> We are happy to invite submissions to ML 2024 (apologies for 
> cross-postings).
>   * Submission deadline: June 14th
>   * September 6th in Milan, Italy. Co-located with ICFP 2024.
>   * Submission website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ml2024.hotcrp.com__;!!IBzWLUs!T1I03Y5biAczsTE1qp6THGuB76mHcfrSUPCia6ARu2mEqu3kv3EIIey04S0OXprSF4tVG3XLKKxIJHQXVCfR34zplsAweIipalO9p8De85U$    * Workshop 
> website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/mlworkshop-2024__;!!IBzWLUs!T1I03Y5biAczsTE1qp6THGuB76mHcfrSUPCia6ARu2mEqu3kv3EIIey04S0OXprSF4tVG3XLKKxIJHQXVCfR34zplsAweIipalO9TQw8fus$ 
> # Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict: ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop
> ML (originally, “Meta Language”) is a family of programming languages
> that includes dialects known as Standard ML, OCaml, and F#, among
> others. The development of these languages has inspired a large amount
> of computer science research, both practical and theoretical.
> The ML Family Workshop is an established informal workshop aiming to
> recognize the entire extended ML family and to provide the forum to
> present and discuss common issues: all aspects of the design,
> semantics, theory, application, implementation, and teaching of the
> members of the ML family. We also encourage presentations from related
> languages (such as Haskell, Scala, Rust, Nemerle, Links, Koka, F*,
> Eff, ATS, etc), to promote the exchange of ideas and experience. The
> ML family workshop will be held in close coordination with the OCaml
> Users and Developers Workshop.
> ## Format
> The ML 2024 workshop will continue the informal approach followed
> since 2010. Presentations are selected by the program committee from
> submitted proposals. There are no published proceedings, so
> contributions may be submitted for publication elsewhere. The main
> criterion is the promoting and informing the development of the entire
> extended ML family and delivering a lively workshop atmosphere. We
> particularly encourage talks about works in progress, presentations of
> negative results (things that were expected to but did not quite work
> out) and informed positions.
> Each presentation should take 20-25 minutes. The exact time will be
> decided based on scheduling constraints.
> We plan the workshop to an be in-person event with remote
> participation (streamed live). Speakers are generally expected to
> present in person (we will work to make remote presentations
> possible).
> The 2024 ML family workshop is co-located with ICFP 2024 and will take
> place on September the 6th in Milan, Italy.
> ## Scope
> We seek presentations on topics including (but not limited to):
> * Language design: abstraction, higher forms of polymorphism,
>  concurrency, distribution and mobility, staging, extensions for
>  semi-structured data, generic programming, object systems, etc.
> * Implementation: compilers, interpreters, type checkers, partial
>  evaluators, runtime systems, garbage collectors, foreign function
>  interfaces, etc.
> * Type systems: inference, effects, modules, contracts, specifications
>  and assertions, dynamic typing, error reporting, etc.
> * Applications: case studies, experience reports, pearls, etc.
> * Environments: libraries, tools, editors, debuggers, cross-language
>  interoperability, functional data structures, etc.
> * Semantics of ML-family languages: operational and denotational
>  semantics, program equivalence, parametricity, mechanization, etc.
> We specifically encourage reporting what did not meet expectations or
> what, despite all efforts, did not work to satisfaction.
> Four kinds of submissions are solicited: Research Presentations,
> Experience Reports, Demos, and Informed Positions.
> * Research Presentations: Research presentations should describe new
>  ideas, experimental results, or significant advances in ML-related
>  projects. We especially encourage presentations that describe work
>  in progress, that outline a future research agenda, or that
>  encourage lively discussion. These presentations should be
>  structured in a way which can be, at least in part, of interest to
>  (advanced) users.
> * Experience Reports: Users are invited to submit Experience Reports
>  about their use of ML and related languages. These presentations do
>  not need to contain original research but they should tell an
>  interesting story to researchers or other advanced users, such as an
>  innovative or unexpected use of advanced features or a description
>  of the challenges they are facing or attempting to solve.
> * Demos: Live demonstrations or short tutorials should show new
>  developments, interesting prototypes, or work in progress, in the
>  form of tools, libraries, or applications built on or related to ML
>  and related languages. (You will need to provide all the hardware
>  and software required for your demo; the workshop organizers are
>  only able to provide a projector.)
> * Informed Positions: A justified argument for or against a language
>  feature. The argument must be substantiated, either theoretically
>  (e.g., by a demonstration of (un)soundness, an inference algorithm,
>  a complexity analysis), empirically or by substantial experience.
>  Personal experience is accepted as justification so long as it is
>  extensive and illustrated with concrete examples.
> ## Submission details
> Submissions must be in the PDF format and have a short summary
> (abstract) at the beginning. Submissions in the categories of
> Experience Reports, Demos, or Informed Positions should indicate so in
> the title or subtitle. The point of the submission should be clear
> from its two first pages (PC members are not obligated to read any
> further.)
> Submissions must be uploaded to the workshop submission website before
> the submission deadline.
> Only the short summary/abstract of accepted submissions will be
> published on the conference website. After acceptance, authors will
> have the opportunity to attach or link to that summary any relevant
> material (such as the updated submission, slides, etc.)
> *Submission website*: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ml2024.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!T1I03Y5biAczsTE1qp6THGuB76mHcfrSUPCia6ARu2mEqu3kv3EIIey04S0OXprSF4tVG3XLKKxIJHQXVCfR34zplsAweIipalO9NEEfBog$ 
> *Workshop website*: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/mlworkshop-2024__;!!IBzWLUs!T1I03Y5biAczsTE1qp6THGuB76mHcfrSUPCia6ARu2mEqu3kv3EIIey04S0OXprSF4tVG3XLKKxIJHQXVCfR34zplsAweIipalO9TQw8fus$ 
> ## Coordination with the OCaml Users and Developers Workshop
> The OCaml workshop is seen as more practical and is dedicated in
> significant part to OCaml community building and the development of
> the OCaml system. In contrast, the ML family workshop is not focused
> on any language in particular, is more research-oriented, and deals
> with general issues of ML-style programming and type systems. Yet
> there is an overlap, which we are keen to explore in various ways. The
> authors who feel their submission fits both workshops are encouraged
> to mention it at submission time or contact the program chairs.
Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni
Researcher at INRIA
Gallinette team, Nantes
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