[TYPES/announce] CFP (extended deadline): HATRA '24: Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants

Cyrus Omar comar at umich.edu
Thu Jun 6 15:15:01 EDT 2024


                     Call for Papers

HATRA 2024: 5th Workshop on Human Aspects of

Types and Reasoning Assistants

At SPLASH 2024, Pasadena, California, USA

Submission deadline: July 15, 2024 (EXTENDED)



Programming language designers seek to provide strong tools to help
developers reason about their programs. For example, the formal methods
community seeks to enable developers to prove correctness properties of
their code, and type system designers seek to exclude classes of
undesirable behavior from programs. The security community creates tools to
help developers achieve their security goals. In order to make these
approaches as effective as possible for developers, recent work has
integrated approaches from human-computer interaction research into
programming language design. This workshop brings together programming
languages, software engineering, security, and human-computer interaction
researchers to investigate methods for making languages that provide
stronger safety properties more effective for programmers and software

We have two goals: (1) to provide a venue for discussion and feedback on
early-stage approaches that might enable people to be more effective at
achieving stronger safety properties in their programs; (2) to facilitate
discussion about relevant topics of participant interest.

HATRA is interested in two different kinds of contributions. First,
extended abstracts that summarize an existing body of work that is relevant
to the workshop’s topic; the presentations serve to familiarize the
community, which may be diverse, with work that already exists. Second,
research papers that describe a new idea, approach, or hypothesis in the
space and are presented as an opportunity for the authors to receive
community feedback and for the community to seek inspiration from others.

The day will be divided into two segments. In the first segment, authors of
accepted papers will present their work. In the second segment, we will
conduct an “unconference”-style meeting. By allowing the participants to
drive the agenda, we hope to focus on topics that provide stimulating and
enlightening discussion.

HATRA 2024 will be a hybrid workshop. Participants will be able to join and
present in person or remotely.


HATRA welcomes two kinds of submissions:

   - Extended abstracts (one page) summarizing existing published work that
   would be of interest to the community.
   - Research proposals, position papers, and early-stage result papers.
   Papers may be up to eight pages long, plus unlimited references. These may
   describe hypotheses, ideas for research, or early-stage results. The
   objective is to provide an opportunity for the authors to receive feedback
   from the community as well as to help inspire participants to identify and
   clarify their own research directions.

To encourage submission of ideas that may be published in other venues in
the future, papers will not be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Type system design
   - Programming language evaluation
   - Programming language and tool design methodology
   - Interactive theorem provers
   - Lightweight specification tools
   - Proof engineering
   - Psychology of programming
   - Societal or social implications of programming languages and proof

We request that papers be submitted anonymously when feasible. Extended
abstracts are likely to include author names.

Papers should use the PACMPL templates
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/__;!!IBzWLUs!SLLGEXZ0EAv89BPducZJRf_fGAVtj8P4QId6_LivGL1nv5Z0ZBjofZBD3vOlrEz1jlE-By2dgatIIc2__BWICZN8DMxADQ$ > (the same as the OOPSLA
proceedings format: acmart-pacmpl-template.tex file with the acmsmall

Organizing Committee for HATRA 2024:

   - Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University
   - Michael Coblenz, University of California, San Diego
   - Will Crichton, Brown University
   - Cyrus Omar, University of Michigan

Program Committee for HATRA 2024:

   - Ian Awawjo, Cornell University
   - Shraddha Barke, University of California, San Diego
   - Andrew Blinn, University of Michigan
   - Ravi Chugh, University of Chicago
   - Molly Feldman, Oberlin College
   - Ben Greenman, University of Utah
   - Andrew Head, University of Pennsylvania
   - Justin Lubin, University of California, Berkeley
   - David Moon, University of Michigan
   - Niek Mulleners, Utrecht University
   - Tim Nelson, Brown University
   - Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College
   - Bryan Parno, Carnegie Mellon University
   - Hila Peleg, Technion
   - Clément Pit-Claudel, EPFL
   - Josh Pollock, MIT
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