[TYPES/announce] joint PhD position between Grenoble and Genova

Radu Iosif Radu.Iosif at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Sat Jun 8 04:22:30 EDT 2024

Dear all, 

We have an open 3-year PhD scholarship between the VERIMAG laboratory in Grenoble (France) and the DIBRIS group at the University of Genova (Italy). The scholarship will be funded by the French ANR project PAVEDYS (Parametric Verification of Dynamic Distributed Systems)  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://raduiosif.github.io/PAVEDYS/__;!!IBzWLUs!UAKxV7zWdJB-zhz9kmKFVkmEgedoDT5Zxb6y5LGHPVaYEHzJE-0aR6C48iuPDXV3QKrCs1awCJtdlEjMEgNgAYXh9ywJF8uJ2XTEWfiL5VicjdQ$  . The salary ranges from 1200 to 1500 euros/month after deduction of taxes and mandatory health care benefits. State-subsidized housing allowance is available in France to all foreign nationals (not just EU). 

The topics are related to the development of formal techniques for modeling and verification of parametric component-based systems and distributed networks. A detailed description is available here: 


Candidates should have a Master degree in a theoretical branch of Computer Science with knowledge in one of the following areas: logic, automata theory, proof theory, program semantics, etc.

Applications consisting of a CV and motivation letter should be sent by mail to Radu Iosif (Radu.Iosif at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr) and Arnaud Sangnier (arnaud.sangnier at unige.it). Motivation letters should be human-written and not AI-generated. Additional material, including e.g., recommendation letters and grades transcripts are not required but constitute a plus.

Best regards, 
Radu and Arnaud
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