[TYPES/announce] SPLASH 2024 Doctoral Symposium + John Vlissides award

Summers, Alexander alex.summers at ubc.ca
Sun Jun 16 18:48:28 EDT 2024

The SPLASH Doctoral Symposium provides an interactive forum primarily aimed at mid-stage doctoral students who have progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal but will not be defending their dissertation in the next 12 months. Student proposals and presentations will be discussed and evaluated with the aim of providing important guidance for completing their dissertation research and beginning their research careers.

The symposium is a one-day in-person event at SPLASH (on 22nd October), structured around presentations of a student's current research agenda and plans, with plentiful time for discussions and feedback from the program committee. Students are encouraged to apply for participation by one of the two available deadlines; applications will be reviewed with a quick turnaround. Confirmed participants should attend for the whole event on the day.

There is no formal restriction on how far through your doctoral studies you need to be to be considered mid-stage, except that you should not be planning to finish within the next 12 months. If you are at an earlier stage of your studies, you could consider applying to the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop instead! In case you'd like advice on this, feel free to reach out to the symposium chair (Alex Summers) at alex.summers at ubc.ca<mailto:alex.summers at ubc.ca>

Doctoral Symposium participants will automatically be considered for SIGPLAN's John Vlissides award<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sigplan.org/Awards/Other/__;!!IBzWLUs!Qf1xNeUzNewP5HMTXtkntth1IhS3W4co2yUL_3Ax1uwdWEjJaOtjqVfAKPC99sQ-i_bnTO_AvHZOGz9l4LHTWAiljnm0TbwZpQ3P$ >, which comes with a cash prize of $2,000.

Please see the website for further information, and please feel free to distribute this email widely!

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