[Icfp04-discuss] some questions about you

haiku.issa haiku.issa at laposte.net
Sat Jun 5 22:07:36 EDT 2004

Olaf Doschke wrote:

Hey, the name of my reindeer - teddy bear is Olaf, too (that's because he came from Norway).

| Where does everybody come from?
I'm from Lyon, Rhône, France (I guess it would explain my bad english ^^)

| How old are you?
I'm 18 years old (the youngest ?)

| Why do you compete?
As everyone else (I guess) : for fun, and also because I was *so* disappointed to be too old to compete for the International Olympiads of Informatic.

| Do you have a homepage?
I used to, but the provider went down (anyway, it was not very interesting ^^)

| What team name do you have?
Oxmo Team, which counts three members

| Lightning Division?
A bit late, I guess. The simulator was finished only a few hours before the deadline (but OCaml is really a great tool for rapid prototyping ^^)

| Main Contest?
Of course.

| Feel Lucky - Will you be the winner?
Hahaha !

| Staying Awake during nights?
I use to sleep during nights. But if we decide to code our ant entirely at hand, we may stay awake a litlle longer, yes (writing ASM without sleeping must really be a *great* experience ^^).

See you all, and good luck.


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