[Icfp04-discuss] some questions about you

Yutaka OIWA oiwa at yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sun Jun 6 10:41:30 EDT 2004

Good morning everyone :-),

>> On 05 Jun 2004 14:08 GMT, Olaf.Doschke at t-online.de (Olaf Doschke) said:

Olaf> Where does everybody come from?

Tokyo, Japan.

Olaf> How old are you? 

27 (decimal).

Olaf> Why do you compete?

1) For Fun!

2) I have been a teaching assistant for ML programming cource
   several years, and have encouraged undergraduate students
   to attend this contest.  Why not do it by myself, then?

Olaf> Do you have a homepage?

None for this year's contest at this time.

Olaf> Lightning Division?


Olaf> Main Contest?


Olaf> Feel Lucky - Will you be the winner?

It would be nice if it happens...

Olaf> Staying Awake during nights?

Partially: the deadline time is 1:00am in Japan standard time,
so last night I slept well after submitting lightning division's answer.
I believe that scheduling enough sleep is very important for us
to make our brain work well.

Olaf> Good luck to all!

Good luck!

Yutaka Oiwa              Yonezawa Lab., Dept. of Computer Science,
      Graduate School of Information Sci. & Tech., Univ. of Tokyo.
                    <oiwa at yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>, <yutaka at oiwa.jp>
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