[Icfp04-discuss] Well, *this* is going to be a fun bug.

the_prof at gmx.net the_prof at gmx.net
Sun Jun 6 22:04:47 EDT 2004

Jed Davis wrote:
> Since this list is for discussion, does anyone else have any bugs
> (not of the sort being simulated, that is) they'd like to lament
> about, and/or boast of having defeated?

where should i start? *lol* isn't programming really about debugging
code rather than writing it?

the most serious bug i have encountered (after i got the randomint
right *g*) and defeated was the one the message 'false original dump'
brought up:
be sure to make the ants not only check themselfes, if they are going
to die after they moved, but also the ants surrounding the new
position (this _IS_ described in the task, but it's easy to oversee it)

nicolas schmid

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