[Icfp04-discuss] some questions about you

Martin Tampe martin at tampe.cc
Sun Jun 6 23:30:02 EDT 2004

> My Name
Martin & Chris.

> Where does everybody come from? 
Me: Munich, Germany
Chris: New Zealand

> How old are you? 

> Why do you compete?
For Fun. It brings back the good old times: Programming the ants is much 
like Assembler (did some mode13 graphics programming in the early 90's).

> Lightning Division?
Wanted to, but fell asleep before. The emulator was working after a few 
hours, but getting the Ant to do what I want is much harder.

> Feel Lucky - Will you be the winner?
No, unlikely. I'm still trying to optimize the ant, but it's hard 
without testing it against real opponent ants.

> Staying Awake during nights?
I didn't sleep from Friday to Saturday.


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