[Icfp04-discuss] three liberal arts

Mark McConnell mmcconnell17704 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 18:31:08 EDT 2004

I'll post my solution in the next e-mail, but first I have a question.  The contest had three parts: writing a simulator, writing a compiler into ant-code, and designing the ant.  Which part was your favorite?  Sure, designing the ant was the official requirement, but which was your favorite?
I never wrote a simulator.  I put time into designing the ant in my head (though it turned out to be of average quality or worse, judging by the mail since the contest ended).  But I really got a kick out of writing the compiler.  It's imperfect after only 72 hours, but it's the first thing I would want to polish further.
Analogies come to mind:
simulator = visual arts
compiler = language arts
ant = cognitive science (also an art)
simulator = picture worth a thousand words
compiler = scratch a philosopher and you'll find a poet
ant = to do is to be

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