[TYPES/announce] Workshop on Formal Methods and Security

Gustavo Betarte - INCO gustun at fing.edu.uy
Wed Jan 18 09:24:45 EST 2006

[- Apologies for multiple messages;
- Pls note that the deadline for submission is March 31

                  Call for Papers

                    Workshop on
Formal Techniques for Specification and Analysis of Security
                    (FTSAS 2006)


           World Computer Congress - Security Stream
               August 20-25, Santiago de Chile

Information technology is set to experience in the coming decades a
massive and unprecedented increase in system complexity, leading to
systems that integrate a vast spectrum of diverse technologies and
heterogeneous intelligent devices by the billions in connected
networks.  The increasing complexity and distributed nature of systems
will require the development of methodologies, languages, tools, and
standards that facilitate interoperability and integration, and
generalize deployment scenarios such as remote maintenance of devices.
At the same time, the need for secure code will become more prominent,
because the distinction between applications and systems will
gradually disappear and most code will have consequences as regards
security, and the task of writing secure code will become tremendously
more difficult, because of the lack of effective support to integrate
security considerations in system development.

IT security is an area which involves important technical challenges 
because of the very
high expectations of the market regarding the security properties 
information systems are
expected to meet. The deployment of security mechanisms, though, is 
often done in an
ad-hoc manner and lacking a precise security specification. Formal 
techniques provide a
means to pinpoint precisely and analyze formally security requirements 
that arise in
complex systems. Security is by its nature a global concern, the 
definition and the
application of rigorous methodologies and the design and use of 
appropriate innovative
tools should cover all the steps of the design, development and 
validation of IT products.

The objective of the workshop is to bring together security experts
and formal methods practitioners, who are interested in the
application of formal methods in the design and validation of
information systems.

Topic of interest include:

o specification and verification of security policies o language-based 
security for
information flow and resource control
o security based on verifiable evidence, Proof Carrying Code
o system-wide security, security for concurrent and distributed systems
o formal specification and verification of cryptographic protocols o 
algorithms and provable security
o trust management
o digital rights management
o case studies

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract explaining recent
research results, work in progress or system descriptions. Papers
shall not exceed 10 pages, inclusive of bibliography and
appendices. They should be formatted for A4 or US letter paper with
reasonable margins and fonts. The first page should include the title,
the names and addresses of the authors, an abstract and a list of

Accepted formats are limited to portable postscript and PDF. Please do
not send files formatted for word processing packages (e.g., Microsoft
Word or WordPerfect files).

The workshop has no formal proceedings. Nevertheless, informal
proceedings will be made available in electronic format and they will 
be distributed to
all participants of the workshop. The authors of the best papers might 
be invited to
submit an extended revision for inclusion in formal proceedings.

Important dates

        o Paper Submission due: March 31, 2006
        o Notification: April 21, 2006
        o Final papers due: May 30, 2006

Program Committe

        o Tomás Barros        Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
        o Gilles Barthe       INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
        o Gustavo Betarte     Universidad de la República, Uruguay
        o Ricardo Corin       University of Twente, Netherlands
        o Pedro D'Argenio     Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine
        o Benjamin Grégoire   INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
        o German Puebla       Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
        o Gerardo Schneider   University of Oslo, Norway

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