[TYPES/announce] FTfJP '06 Call for Contributions

Davide Ancona davide at disi.unige.it
Tue Feb 14 05:55:55 EST 2006

                     CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

     8th ECOOP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs


Formal techniques can help analyze programs, precisely describe program
behavior, and verify program properties.  Newer languages such as Java and
C# provide good platforms to bridge the gap between formal techniques and
practical program development, because of their reasonably clear semantics
and standardized libraries.  Moreover, these languages are interesting
targets for formal techniques, because the novel paradigm for program
deployment introduced with Java, with its improved portability and
mobility, opens up new possibilities for abuse and causes concern about

Work on formal techniques and tools for programs and work on the formal
underpinnings of programming languages themselves naturally complement each
other.  This workshop aims to bring together people working in both these
fields, on topics such as:

   - specification techniques and interface specification languages,
   - specification of software components and library packages,
   - automated checking and verification of program properties,
   - verification logics,
   - language semantics,
   - type systems,
   - dynamic linking and loading,
   - security.

Contributions (of up to 10 pages) are sought on open questions, new
developments, or interesting new applications of formal techniques in the
context of Java or similar languages.  Contributions should not merely
present completely finished work, but also raise challenging open problems
or propose speculative new approaches.  We particularly welcome
contributions that simply suggest good topics for discussion at the
workshop, or raise issues that you feel deserve the attention of the
research community.

Contributions will be formally reviewed, for originality, relevance,
and the potential to generate interesting discussions.
During the review process the Program Commitee will individuate one or
more specific topics to focus on, in order to facilitate interaction
during each session of the workshop.

The workshop is intended for around 25 participants.  The workshop will be
organized into four or more sessions, each focused on a specific topic, and
initiated by a presentation of few related position papers by the respective
participants, or the introduction of the specific topic by a single speaker,
and followed by discussions.

A special journal issue is planned to collect selected contributions as has
been done for the previous FTfJP workshops.

Contributions *must* be pdf format and must be accompanied by a plain-text
abstract. They should be sent to Davide Ancona (davide at disi.unige.it)
by April 1, 2006.

Important dates:

   submission of contributions  April 1, 2006
   notification                 May 5, 2006
   workshop                     July 3 or 4, 2006

Program Committee:

Davide Ancona, (co-chair)	University of Genova, Italy
Bernhard Beckert,		University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Yoonsik Cheon,			University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Dave Clarke,			CWI, Netherlands
Sophia Drossopoulou,		Imperial College, UK
Erik Ernst,			University of Aarhus, Denmark
Paola Giannini,			University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Michael Hicks,			University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Atsushi Igarashi,		Kyoto University, Japan
Rustan Leino,			Microsoft Research, USA
Elena Zucca, (chair)		University of Genova, Italy

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