[TYPES/announce] HOR 2006: call for abstracts

Femke van Raamsdonk femke at cs.vu.nl
Wed Feb 15 03:29:05 EST 2006

               *                              *
               *  HOR'06   CALL FOR ABSTRACTS *
               *                              *

      3rd International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting

       Tuesday August 15, 2006    Sheraton, Seattle, WA


  May   8, 2006 : deadline electronic submission of paper
  May  29, 2006 : notification of acceptance of papers
  June  8, 2006 : deadline for final version of accepted papers

The aim of HOR is to provide an informal and friendly setting to discuss
recent work and work in progress concerning higher-order rewriting.

HOR 2002 was part of FLoC 2002 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
HOR 2004 was part of RDP 2004 in Aachen, Germany.
HOR 2006 will be part of FLoC 2006 in Seattle, USA.

  Hugo Herbelin (INRIA Futurs, Paris)
  Eelco Visser (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands)

TOPICS of interest include (but are not limited to):
  APPLICATIONS:   proof checking, theorem proving, generic programming,
                  declarative programming, program transformation.
  FOUNDATIONS:    pattern matching, unification, strategies, narrowing,
                  termination, syntactic properties, type theory.
  FRAMEWORKS:     term rewriting, conditional rewriting, graph rewriting,
                  net rewriting, comparisons of different frameworks.
  IMPLEMENTATION: explicit substitution, rewriting tools,
                  compilation techniques.
  SEMANTICS:      semantics of higher-order rewriting,
                  higher-order abstract syntax

  Delia Kesner         Universite Paris 7, France    kesner at pps.jussieu.fr
  Femke van Raamsdonk  Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands  femke at cs.vu.nl
  Mark-Oliver Stehr    SRI International, USA            stehr at csl.sri.com

  Abstracts between 2 and 5 pages. As HOR is meant
  to be a platform to discuss ongoing research we
  are also interested in abstracts describing work
  in progress, or problems in higher-order rewriting.

  The proceedings of HOR 2006 will be made available on the
  HOR 2006 web page and copies will be distributed to the
  participants at the workshop.

Gopal Gupta   	University of Texas, Dallas, USA  gupta at utdallas.edu
Ashish Tiwari	SRI International, USA            tiwari at csl.sri.com

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