[TYPES/announce] CS2Bio'10 - First Call for Papers

Angelo Troina troina at di.unito.it
Tue Jan 12 10:52:14 EST 2010


                        First call for papers

           1st International Workshop on Interactions between
                     Computer Science and Biology

                       Affiliated to DisCoTec'10

                           10th of June 2010
                        Amsterdam, Netherlands



Systems Biology is a stimulating field of application for computer
scientists and a promising resource for biologists. The scope of this
workshop is to gather researchers in formal methods that are
interested at the convergence between Computer Science with Biology
and life sciences. In particular, we solicit contribution of original
results that address on both theoretical (modelling, analysis, and
validation techniques) and applied aspects of biological behaviour:
from the representation of biological scenarios to the validation and
testing of relevant biological properties and the related simulations
and development tools.

*** SCOPE ***

The scope is to include theoretical and applied aspects of concurrent
and distributed systems in the modelling, analysis, simulation and
validation of biological properties. The workshop intends to attract
researchers interested in models, verification, tools, and
programming primitives concerning such complex interactions. We
strongly encourage the submission of works carried on in
collaboration between computer scientists and biologists. Topics of
interest include, but shall not be limited to:

Formal Biological Modelling:

- Formal methods for the representation of biological systems
   (rewrite systems, process calculi, graph grammars, hybrid systems,
- Theoretical links and comparisons between different formal models
   for the modelling of biological processes;
- Quantitative (probabilistic, timed, stochastic, etc.) languages
   and calculi;
- Spatial (geometrical, topological) languages and calculi.

Formal Testing and Validation of Biological Properties:

- Prediction of biological behaviour from incomplete information;
- Model Checking, Abstract Interpretation, Type Systems, etc.

Tools and Simulations:

- Modelling, analysis and simulation tools for systems biology;
- Emergence of properties in complex biological systems;
- Tools for parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation
- Detailed biological case-studies.


- Jérôme Feret (INRIA and École Normale Supérieure - Paris, France)


Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings.
Authors should submit their papers via EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cs2bio10). Papers
should take the form of a pdf file in ENTCS style and should not
exceed 12 pages. If necessary, detailed proofs or other additional
material can be added in an appendix (referees might review it at
their discretion). We also encourage the submission of short papers,
limited to 7 pages, presenting new tools or platforms for the
modelling of biological systems.


The post-proceedings of the workshop will be published in a volume
of the Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science series
(Elsevier ENTCS).  If the quality of the received papers deserves
it, the publication in a special issue of Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science, with a second round of reviews, could be


- Submission deadline: 19 March 2010
- Reviews due: 23 April 2010
- Notification to authors: 30 April 2010
- Workshop: 10 June 2010


- Luca Cardelli
- Gabriel Ciobanu
- Mario Coppo
- Ferruccio Damiani
- Vincent Danos
- Erik de Vink
- Mariangiola Dezani
- François Fages
- Jérôme Feret
- Walter Fontana
- Russ Harmer
- Jane Hillston
- Giancarlo Mauri
- Emanuela Merelli
- Paolo Milazzo
- Gethin Norman
- Ion Petre
- Verena Wolf
- Gianluigi Zavattaro


- Jean Krivine
- Angelo Troina

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