[TYPES/announce] FOOL 2010 Call for Participation

Jeremy Siek jeremy.siek at colorado.edu
Thu Sep 30 23:58:56 EDT 2010

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                    2010 International Workshop on
               Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
                              (FOOL '10)

                       Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

                      Sunday, 17 October 2010
                        Reno, Nevada, USA
                          Preceding SPLASH and OOPSLA'10


The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has led
to a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented
languages and to important developments in type theory, semantics,
program verification, and program development. The FOOL workshops
bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in these

The next workshop, FOOL '10 will be held in Reno, Nevada, USA on
Sunday, 17 October 2010, preceding SPLASH and OOPSLA.  The program
includes two invited speakers and six contributed talks.

To register for the workshop, use the standard SPLASH registration form,
available through:


FOOL is an informal workshop, so there will not be printed
proceedings. All papers will be available online before the workshop,
so you may print any papers you wish to have on hand.



Daan Leijen
    Concurrent Revisions: a novel approach to concurrency with deterministic

Robby Findler
    Semantics Engineering: more than just Theorem Proving


DeepFJig - Modular composition of nested classes
    Andrea Corradi, Marco Servetto, and Elena Zucca

A Calculus of Layer Decomposition
    Tetsuo Kamina and Tetsuo Tamai

Mojojojo --- More Ownership for Multiple Owners
    Paley Li, Nicholas Cameron and James Noble

Interoperability in a Scripted World: Putting Inheritance & Prototypes
    Kathryn E. Gray

Type Inference for Scripting languages with Implicit Extension
    Tian Zhao

Adding Pattern Matching to Existing Object-Oriented Languages
    Sukyoung Ryu, Changhee Park and Guy L. Steele Jr.


Program Chair

Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder)
    e-mail: jeremy.s... at colorado.edu

Program Committee

  * Davide Ancona (Universita' di Genova, Italy)
  * Juan Chen (Microsoft Research, USA)
  * Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS, Germany)
  * Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
  * Donna Malayeri (EPFL, Switzerland)
  * Nate Nystrom (University of Texas Arlington, USA)
  * Frank Piessens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
  * Chieri Saito (Kyoto University, Japan)
  * Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Northeastern, USA)
  * Elena Zucca (Universita' di Genova, Italy)


Steering Committee

  * Viviana Bono (Universita` di Torino)
  * Kathleen Fisher (AT&T Labs)
  * Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University)
  * Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
  * John Reppy (University of Chicago)
  * Christopher Stone (Harvey Mudd College) [Chair]
  * Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh)


Jeremy Siek <jeremy.siek at colorado.edu>
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder
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