[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Edison Mera efmera at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 05:32:32 EST 2012

Dear Matthew Hennessy,

This mail is  to express you my interest  in the offered post-doctoral
position in  the Software  Systems Lab of  the Department  of Computer
Science at Trinity College Dublin, as described in your announcement.

Currently I am  looking for a job in which  my skills and capabilities
can be fully exploited and  I am really motivated with the possibility
of  working in your  University, I  see the  offered position  is very
related with my research field and skills.

I have  a strong background in Computational  Logic, resource analysis
and run-time  verification, as proved  by my "PhD in  Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence", thesis entitled "A Unified Framework for
Resource   and  Execution   Time  Analysis,   Run-Time   Checking  and
Unit-Testing",  where  a framework  for  automatically inferring  both
upper and  lower bounds  on the  usage that a  logic program  makes of
general  resources was  presented, for  example, you  can  analyze the
amount of energy, memory, time, bandwidth, or even monetary units that
a  program requires,  in particular  the inference  of  execution time
(which is platform-dependent) was studied in detail in my thesis.  The
system  also is able  to validate  (or falsify)  statically properties
written by the user, including (but not limited to) those related with
resource analysis, and  for those properties that can  not be verified
at compile  time, a run-time check is  generated.  Finally, unit-tests
for   the  program   are  defined   using  the   same   assertion  (or
specification)   language  and   run-time  checking   machinery.   The
unit-test and the run-time checking  part was further published in the
ICLP 2009  Conference. This  framework is able  to work even  with big
real Prolog Programs, for example, we analyzed the system itself which
have 10 megabytes/300.000 lines of source code!

Beyond my  research interests, one of  my best achievements  in my PhD
position was the implementation of  a testing framework as part of the
deployment  of  a continuous  development  environment,  in which  all
versions of the  system are analyzed and tested  each time a developer
introduce  a  change.   Such   framework  consist  of  several  parts,
beginning from unit-tests, several system tests, integration tests, up
to a tool to automatically  configure and manage the compile farm that
execute  the  tests  forever  in several  architectures  (versions  of
Windows,  Linux,  Mac  OS  X,  and Solaris,  in  virtualized  or  real
machines).  I began the development of this framework at the beginning
of my PhD studies,  voluntarily, motivated mainly because the problems
present in the system before, prevented to me (and other coworkers) to
accomplish   other  responsibilities   (e.g.,   the  maintenance   and
development  of  an installer  required  to  have  a system  at  least
syntax-error free, and  to have more time to  do researching).  Thanks
to this tool, now developers do  not waste their time trying to locate
old  bugs that  were introduced  inadvertently and  would  be detected
running the  tests.  The  earlier error detection  is saving a  lot of
time increasing  the group  productivity, in concrete,  the developers
where able  to reduce from 40%  to 8% the number  of failed ISO-Prolog
compliance unit-tests.

In  addition   to  this,  I  have  a   strong  knowledge  implementing
applications  using   the  Object  Oriented   Programming  in  several
languages,  such as  C++, Delphi  (Object Oriented  Pascal)  and Java,
proved  by  my  professional   experience  and  my  specialisation  in
analysis, design and implementation in  POO. I also have experience in
design and management of relational databases, I recommend you look at
my scores in http://www.brainbench.com  (transcript id 185939) and the
open-source tools published in my blog http://edisonm.dyndns.org/blog/

As  required in  your announcement,  let me  recommend you  3 selected
papers I wrote:

1.  E. Mera,  T. Trigo,  P.  López,  M.  Hermenegildo.   Profiling for
   Run-Time  Checking  of  Computational  Properties  and  Performance
   Debugging.   LNCS   6539.   Pages  38–53.    Practical  Aspects  of
   Declarative Languages,  PADL 2011, 2007.   Springer-Verlag. Austin,
   Texas, USA.  January 2011.


2. E.  Mera, P.  López, M. Hermenegildo.  Integrating Software Testing
   and Run-Time Checking in  an Assertion Verification Framework. LNCS
   5649.    Pages   281–295.    International  Conference   on   Logic
   Programming,  ICLP 2009.   Springer-Verlag.   Pasadena, California,
   USA.  July 2009.


3.  J. Navas,  E.  Mera, P.  López,  M.  Hermenegildo.  User-Definable
   Resource  Bounds Analysis  for Logic  Programs.  LNCS  4670.  Pages
   348–363.  International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2007.
   Springer-Verlag.  Porto, Portugal.  September 2007.


If  you are interested  in other  papers or  documents, note  that the
enclosed Curriculum  Vitae have links in  the title of  each paper, so
you can  click in the title to  open or download it  directly from the

Professional References:

1. Manuel Hermenegildo.  Research Professor and Scientific Director at
   Imdea        Software       Institute.         Madrid,       Spain.
   manuel.hermenegildo at imdea.org. +34-91-336-3742 ext 4101.

2.  Pedro  López  García.  Researcher  at  Imdea  Software  Institute.
   Madrid, Spain. pedro.lopez at imdea.org.  +34-91-336-3742 ext 4109.

3.  Francisco  López  Fraguas.   Full Professor  at  Computer  Science
   School,  Director of  DSIC Department.   Complutense  University of
   Madrid. Spain.  fraguas at sip.ucm.es. +34-91-394-7630.

Note: Felt free to ask them for recommendation letters if required.

Thank you for  your time and consideration. Please  do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Edison Mera.

2012/2/15 Matthew Hennessy <Matthew.Hennessy at cs.tcd.ie>

> [ The Types Forum (announcements only),
>    http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/**mailman/listinfo/types-**announce<http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce>]
> Apologies for Multiple Postings
> ------------------------------**--
>     The Foundations of Global Computing - Trinity College Dublin
>              Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
> Applications are invited for a  post-doctoral  position to
> undertake research into the foundations of Global Computing.  The
> post is within the Software Systems Lab  of the Department of
> Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin as part of an SFI-funded
> research project, under the direction of Matthew Hennessy, which seeks
> to establish a core of research expertise in behavioural
> theories of distributed systems and to encourage their application to
> strategically important domains such as Mobile computing,
> Web services and  Wireless networks.
> Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, or a closely related
> discipline. Candidates with  expertise in following areas are
> particularly welcome:
> - model checking
> - verification techniques
> - program logics
> - formal techniques for web services
> The post is tenable from April 2012 for a period of 12 months, with a
> possibility of renewal; the post will remain open until filled.  The
> salary will be commensurate with the successful candidates'
> qualifications and experience, and in line with HEA guidelines.
> Further particulars of the posts may be obtained from the address
> below, and informal enquiries are also welcomed.
> Applications should include
>  - detailed curriculum vitae, in pdf format
>  - copies of relevant publications, or url-pointers to them
>  - the names of three referees
>  - a statement outlining  the applicant's suitability to the project.
> Applications should be sent/emailed to:
> Matthew Hennessy
> Department of Computer Science
> The O'Reilly Institute
> Trinity College
> Dublin 2
> Ireland
> email: matthew.hennessy at cs.tcd.ie
> tel: +353 (01) 8962634
> Trinity College is an equal opportunities employer.
| Edison Fernando Mera Menendez             |  (^--^)_.-"      `; |
| PhD in Computer Science                   |  ) ee (           | |
| Technical University of Madrid            | (_.__._)         /  |
| efmera at gmail.com | www.cliplab.org/edison |   `--',        ,'   |
| +34-64-018-9493  | tinyurl.com/6agusby    |    fff )_|--')_|    |
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