[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Derek Dreyer dreyer at mpi-sws.org
Tue Feb 21 07:05:36 EST 2012

Sorry, this message was a mistake and should not have been accepted to
the list.  My sincere apologies for the oversight.

Derek Dreyer
Types moderator

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Edison Mera <efmera at gmail.com> wrote:
> [ The Types Forum (announcements only),
>     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]
> Dear Matthew Hennessy,
> This mail is  to express you my interest  in the offered post-doctoral
> position in  the Software  Systems Lab of  the Department  of Computer
> Science at Trinity College Dublin, as described in your announcement.
> Currently I am  looking for a job in which  my skills and capabilities
> can be fully exploited and  I am really motivated with the possibility
> of  working in your  University, I  see the  offered position  is very
> related with my research field and skills.
> I have  a strong background in Computational  Logic, resource analysis
> and run-time  verification, as proved  by my "PhD in  Computer Science
> and Artificial Intelligence", thesis entitled "A Unified Framework for
> Resource   and  Execution   Time  Analysis,   Run-Time   Checking  and
> Unit-Testing",  where  a framework  for  automatically inferring  both
> upper and  lower bounds  on the  usage that a  logic program  makes of
> general  resources was  presented, for  example, you  can  analyze the
> amount of energy, memory, time, bandwidth, or even monetary units that
> a  program requires,  in particular  the inference  of  execution time
> (which is platform-dependent) was studied in detail in my thesis.  The
> system  also is able  to validate  (or falsify)  statically properties
> written by the user, including (but not limited to) those related with
> resource analysis, and  for those properties that can  not be verified
> at compile  time, a run-time check is  generated.  Finally, unit-tests
> for   the  program   are  defined   using  the   same   assertion  (or
> specification)   language  and   run-time  checking   machinery.   The
> unit-test and the run-time checking  part was further published in the
> ICLP 2009  Conference. This  framework is able  to work even  with big
> real Prolog Programs, for example, we analyzed the system itself which
> have 10 megabytes/300.000 lines of source code!
> Beyond my  research interests, one of  my best achievements  in my PhD
> position was the implementation of  a testing framework as part of the
> deployment  of  a continuous  development  environment,  in which  all
> versions of the  system are analyzed and tested  each time a developer
> introduce  a  change.   Such   framework  consist  of  several  parts,
> beginning from unit-tests, several system tests, integration tests, up
> to a tool to automatically  configure and manage the compile farm that
> execute  the  tests  forever  in several  architectures  (versions  of
> Windows,  Linux,  Mac  OS  X,  and Solaris,  in  virtualized  or  real
> machines).  I began the development of this framework at the beginning
> of my PhD studies,  voluntarily, motivated mainly because the problems
> present in the system before, prevented to me (and other coworkers) to
> accomplish   other  responsibilities   (e.g.,   the  maintenance   and
> development  of  an installer  required  to  have  a system  at  least
> syntax-error free, and  to have more time to  do researching).  Thanks
> to this tool, now developers do  not waste their time trying to locate
> old  bugs that  were introduced  inadvertently and  would  be detected
> running the  tests.  The  earlier error detection  is saving a  lot of
> time increasing  the group  productivity, in concrete,  the developers
> where able  to reduce from 40%  to 8% the number  of failed ISO-Prolog
> compliance unit-tests.
> In  addition   to  this,  I  have  a   strong  knowledge  implementing
> applications  using   the  Object  Oriented   Programming  in  several
> languages,  such as  C++, Delphi  (Object Oriented  Pascal)  and Java,
> proved  by  my  professional   experience  and  my  specialisation  in
> analysis, design and implementation in  POO. I also have experience in
> design and management of relational databases, I recommend you look at
> my scores in http://www.brainbench.com  (transcript id 185939) and the
> open-source tools published in my blog http://edisonm.dyndns.org/blog/
> As  required in  your announcement,  let me  recommend you  3 selected
> papers I wrote:
> 1.  E. Mera,  T. Trigo,  P.  López,  M.  Hermenegildo.   Profiling for
>    Run-Time  Checking  of  Computational  Properties  and  Performance
>    Debugging.   LNCS   6539.   Pages  38–53.    Practical  Aspects  of
>    Declarative Languages,  PADL 2011, 2007.   Springer-Verlag. Austin,
>    Texas, USA.  January 2011.
>    http://www.clip.dia.fi.upm.es/papers/profiling-padl11.pdf
> 2. E.  Mera, P.  López, M. Hermenegildo.  Integrating Software Testing
>    and Run-Time Checking in  an Assertion Verification Framework. LNCS
>    5649.    Pages   281–295.    International  Conference   on   Logic
>    Programming,  ICLP 2009.   Springer-Verlag.   Pasadena, California,
>    USA.  July 2009.
>    http://www.clip.dia.fi.upm.es/papers/testchecks-iclp09.pdf
> 3.  J. Navas,  E.  Mera, P.  López,  M.  Hermenegildo.  User-Definable
>    Resource  Bounds Analysis  for Logic  Programs.  LNCS  4670.  Pages
>    348–363.  International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2007.
>    Springer-Verlag.  Porto, Portugal.  September 2007.
>    http://www.clip.dia.fi.upm.es/papers/resource-iclp07.pdf
> If  you are interested  in other  papers or  documents, note  that the
> enclosed Curriculum  Vitae have links in  the title of  each paper, so
> you can  click in the title to  open or download it  directly from the
> Internet.
> Professional References:
> 1. Manuel Hermenegildo.  Research Professor and Scientific Director at
>    Imdea        Software       Institute.         Madrid,       Spain.
>    manuel.hermenegildo at imdea.org. +34-91-336-3742 ext 4101.
> 2.  Pedro  López  García.  Researcher  at  Imdea  Software  Institute.
>    Madrid, Spain. pedro.lopez at imdea.org.  +34-91-336-3742 ext 4109.
> 3.  Francisco  López  Fraguas.   Full Professor  at  Computer  Science
>    School,  Director of  DSIC Department.   Complutense  University of
>    Madrid. Spain.  fraguas at sip.ucm.es. +34-91-394-7630.
> Note: Felt free to ask them for recommendation letters if required.
> Thank you for  your time and consideration. Please  do not hesitate to
> contact me if you have any questions.
> Best Regards,
> Edison Mera.
> 2012/2/15 Matthew Hennessy <Matthew.Hennessy at cs.tcd.ie>
>> [ The Types Forum (announcements only),
>>    http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]
>> Apologies for Multiple Postings
>> --------------------------------
>>     The Foundations of Global Computing - Trinity College Dublin
>>              Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
>> Applications are invited for a  post-doctoral  position to
>> undertake research into the foundations of Global Computing.  The
>> post is within the Software Systems Lab  of the Department of
>> Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin as part of an SFI-funded
>> research project, under the direction of Matthew Hennessy, which seeks
>> to establish a core of research expertise in behavioural
>> theories of distributed systems and to encourage their application to
>> strategically important domains such as Mobile computing,
>> Web services and  Wireless networks.
>> Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, or a closely related
>> discipline. Candidates with  expertise in following areas are
>> particularly welcome:
>> - model checking
>> - verification techniques
>> - program logics
>> - formal techniques for web services
>> The post is tenable from April 2012 for a period of 12 months, with a
>> possibility of renewal; the post will remain open until filled.  The
>> salary will be commensurate with the successful candidates'
>> qualifications and experience, and in line with HEA guidelines.
>> Further particulars of the posts may be obtained from the address
>> below, and informal enquiries are also welcomed.
>> Applications should include
>>  - detailed curriculum vitae, in pdf format
>>  - copies of relevant publications, or url-pointers to them
>>  - the names of three referees
>>  - a statement outlining  the applicant's suitability to the project.
>> Applications should be sent/emailed to:
>> Matthew Hennessy
>> Department of Computer Science
>> The O'Reilly Institute
>> Trinity College
>> Dublin 2
>> Ireland
>> email: matthew.hennessy at cs.tcd.ie
>> tel: +353 (01) 8962634
>> Trinity College is an equal opportunities employer.
> --
> +-------------------------------------------+------------_.---.)--+
> | Edison Fernando Mera Menendez             |  (^--^)_.-"      `; |
> | PhD in Computer Science                   |  ) ee (           | |
> | Technical University of Madrid            | (_.__._)         /  |
> | efmera at gmail.com | www.cliplab.org/edison |   `--',        ,'   |
> | +34-64-018-9493  | tinyurl.com/6agusby    |    fff )_|--')_|    |
> +-------------------------------------------+--------""'---""'----+

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