[TYPES/announce] CFP: Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (Russia, 1-2 July, 2012)

Николай Шилов shilov at iis.nsk.su
Wed Feb 29 22:00:35 EST 2012

Call for Papers

The Third Workshop on
Program Semantics, Specification and Verification: Theory and Applications
July 1-2, 2012 in Nizhni Novgorod, Russia (PSSV 2012,
affiliated with
7th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR-2012,

just  3 days ahead of
META 2012, Third International Valentin Turchin Workshop on Metacomputation
July 5-9, 2012, Pereslavl-Zalessky (120 km to the north-east from Moscow),

Please refer http://pssv-conf.ru/ for PSSV archive.


Important dates (extended)

Extended abstract submission: March 18, 2012
Notification: April 9, 2012 


Official language: English 


Scope and Topics 

Research and work in progress papers are welcome. 
List of topics of interest includes (but is not limited to): 
* formalisms for program semantics;
* formal models and semantics of programs and systems;
* semantics of programming and specification languages;
* formal description techniques;
* logics for formal specification and verification;
* deductive program verification;
* automatic theorem proving;
* model checking of programs and systems;
* static analysis of programs;
* formal approach to testing and validation;
* program analysis and verification tools. 


Program Chairs 

* Valery Nepomniaschy (Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk,
Russia, vnep at iis.nsk.su)
* Valery Sokolov (Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia,
sokolov at uniyar.ac.ru) 

Program Committee (confirmed)

* Sergey Baranov (St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation,
* Nina Evtushenko (Tomsk State University, Russia),
* Vladimir Itsykson (St. Petersburg State Polytech. University, Russia),
* Andrei  Klimov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia),
* Victor Kuliamin (Institute for System Programming, Moscow, Russia),
* Irina Lomazova (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia),
* Nikolay Shilov (Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia),
* Vladimir Zakharov (Moscow State University, Russia).


Submission and Publication 

Program Committee invites submissions in the form of extended abstracts (up
to 8 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science style) in English. Additional
details may be included in an appendix up to 4 pages for Program Committee.
Submissions should be in PDF format. They should be sent (as attachments) by
e-mail with subject line "PSSV-2012" to Alexei Promsky (promsky at iis.nsk.su)
and their abstracts should be sent (as attachments) to PSSV Chairs. The
acknowledgment will be send during 3 days. 

Program committee plans to have regular sessions and posters presentations.
All accepted papers will be published in the preliminary proceedings before
the workshop and the volume of the proceedings will be distributed at the
workshop. Selected papers will be published after the workshop in one of
Russian peer-review journals. At least one author of every accepted paper
should present a talk in the workshop.


Registration and fees
Registration fee 1600 rubles (for all participants) via homepage of The 7th
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia.

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