[TYPES/announce] 1st CfP: EXPRESS/SOS 2012

Luttik, S.P. s.p.luttik at TUE.nl
Thu Apr 26 17:15:35 EDT 2012

First Call for Papers:

Combined 19th International Workshop on

Expressiveness in Concurrency

and 9th Workshop on

Structural Operational Semantics
September 3, 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)
Affiliated with CONCUR 2012

Submission of abstracts:	Friday June 1, 2012
Submission of papers:	Friday June 8, 2012


The EXPRESS workshop series aims at bringing together researchers interested in the expressiveness of various formal systems and semantic notions, particularly in the field of concurrency. The SOS workshop series aims at being a forum for researchers, students and practitioners interested in new developments, and directions for future investigation, in the field of structural operational semantics.

This year the EXPRESS and SOS communities organize a combined EXPRESS/SOS 2012 workshop on the formal semantics of systems and programming concepts, and on the expressiveness of mathematical models of computation.

Topics of interest for this combined workshop include (but are not limited to):

*   expressiveness and comparison of models of computation (process algebras, event structures, Petri nets, rewrite systems), and programming models (distributed, component-based, object-oriented, and service-oriented computing);
*   logics for concurrency (modal logics, probabilistic and stochastic logics, temporal logics and resource logics);
*   analysis techniques for concurrent systems;
*   theory of structural operational semantics (metatheory, category-theoretic approaches, congruence results);
*   comparison of structural operational semantics to other forms of semantics;
*   applications of structural operational semantics;
*   software tools that automate, or are based on, structural operational semantics.


We solicit two types of submissions:

*   Short papers (up to 5 pages, not included in the proceedings)
*   Full papers (up to 15 pages).

Simultaneous submission to journals, conferences or other workshops is only allowed for short papers; full papers must be unpublished. All submissions should adhere to the EPTCS format (http://www.eptcs.org), and submission is performed through the EXPRESS/SOS 2012 EasyChair server (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=expresssos2012).

The final versions of accepted full papers will be published in EPTCS. Furthermore, authors of a selection of the accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of a high-quality journal.


Colin Stirling (University of Edinburgh, UK)


Abstract submission:		June 1, 2012
Paper submission:		June 8, 2012
Notification date:			July 9, 2012
Camera ready version:	July 27, 2012


Bas Luttik (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
Michel Reniers (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)


Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Johannes Borgström (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Ilaria Castellani (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Sibylle Fröschle (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Fabio Gadducci (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
Bartek Klin (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Bas Luttik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Keiko Nakata (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Michel Reniers (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Jiri Srba (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Alwen Tiu (Australian National University, Australia)
Walter Vogler (Augsburg University, Germany)

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