[TYPES/announce] Post doc in Language-Based and Systems Security at Harvard

Stephen Chong chong at seas.harvard.edu
Sun Apr 29 23:10:37 EDT 2012

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the area of 
language-based and systems security at Harvard University, starting in 
Fall 2012. The hosting project aims to improve the guarantees offered by 
both language-based information security mechanisms and operating system 
information security mechanisms by considering the interaction between 
these mechanisms.

The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in Computer Science (completed or 
soon to be completed), a combination of strong theoretical and practical 
interests, expertise in language-based and systems security, a 
substantial publication history, good teamwork and communication skills, 
including excellent spoken and written English. The position is 
initially for one year, with possible extension up to three years. 
Please note that Harvard requires confirmation of Ph.D. completion 
before the postdoctoral position can begin.

To apply, please send a CV, research statement, and the names and 
contact information of three people who can be asked for letters of 
reference to Stephen Chong (http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~chong). 
Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications received by 
June 1 will receive full consideration.

Harvard University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer 
and applications from women and minority candidates are strongly 
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