[TYPES/announce] Wessex Theory Seminar, Bath, 23rd May

Anupam Das a.das at bath.ac.uk
Wed May 16 13:09:45 EDT 2012

Dear all,

A reminder that the 14th Wessex Theory Seminar will be taking place at 
the University of Bath on 23rd May (next Wednesday).

If you plan to attend please reply to this message so I can put you on 
the attendance list. As usual there is funding available to reimburse 
travel expenses etc.

The preliminary programme is below, and further information can be found 
on the website: 
https://wiki.bath.ac.uk/display/wessex/14th+Wessex+Theory+Seminar .

The Wessex Theory Seminars are a series of workshops focussed on 
theoretical computer science, and in particular mathematical foundations 
of programming languages. It is designed to be a joint seminar
of Mathematics and Computer Science departments, and industrial 
collaborators. More information about the series can be found on the 
website: https://wiki.bath.ac.uk/display/wessex/Wessex+Theory+Seminar .


10:30 Coffee
11:00 Olle Fredriksson, Birmingham
11:45 Georg Struth, Sheffield
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Alessio Guglielmi, Bath
14:30 James Davenport, Bath
15:15 Edmund Robinson, Queen Mary
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Jim Laird, Bath
17:15 Uday Reddy, Birmingham
18:00 Pub/Dinner

Finally, if you are generally interested in the Wessex Theory Seminar 
series, you can join the wessex-theory mail list by emailing Guy 
McCusker <G.A.McCusker at bath.ac.uk> .

I look forward to seeing many of you next week.


On 10/05/12 12:36, Anupam Das wrote:
> [ The Types Forum (announcements only),
>     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]
> I am happy to announce that the 14th Wessex Theory Seminar will be
> taking place at the University of Bath on Wednesday 23rd May.
> The Wessex Theory Seminars are a series of workshops focussed on
> theoretical computer science, and in particular mathematical
> foundations of programming languages. It is designed to be a joint
> seminar
> of Mathematics and Computer Science departments, and industrial
> collaborators. More information can be found on the wiki:
> https://wiki.bath.ac.uk/display/wessex/Wessex+Theory+Seminar .
> We have already lined up the following speakers:
> Alessio Guglielmi, Bath
> Jim Laird, Bath
> Edmund Robinson, QMUL
> There is space for 2-3 more talks, so please contact me if you are
> interested. Also let me know if you are planning to attend by replying
> to this message.
> As usual there is funding available to support attendance at the seminar.
> Further details will be announced closer to the time; check the wiki
> for the latest information:
> https://wiki.bath.ac.uk/display/wessex/14th+Wessex+Theory+Seminar
> Anupam

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