[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral position at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid

Aleksandar Nanevski aleks.nanevski at imdea.org
Fri May 18 15:53:02 EDT 2012

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at IMDEA Software 
Institute (http://software.imdea.org) in Madrid, Spain, starting in Fall 

The postdoc will work under supervision of Anindya Banerjee 
(http://software.imdea.org/~ab) and Aleks Nanevski 
(http://software.imdea.org/~aleks), on a topic in the areas of software 
verification, language-based security and logics for concurrency. The 
precise topic will be determined based on the common interests of the 
candidate and the supervisors.

The candidate must have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, preferably with 
expertise in program semantics and program logics, type systems, type 
theory and interactive theorem proving, as they apply to the above 
areas. Good teamwork and communication skills, including excellent 
spoken and written English are essential. The position is initially for 
one year, with possible extension up to two years.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Anindya Banerjee and 
Aleks Nanevski with inquires.

Formal applications should be submitted over the web. Please select the 
postdoc-researcher option at 
Review of applications will begin immediately.

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