[TYPES/announce] Lectureship Position @ MSP, Strathclyde

Neil Ghani Neil.Ghani at cis.strath.ac.uk
Thu Jun 7 06:38:53 EDT 2012

***                                  Lectureship                                
***         Mathematically Structured Programming Group            
***                            University of Strathclyde                            

Applications are invited for lectureship within the MSP group at the University of Strathclyde
The applicant's motivation must centre  on a  desire to discover  beautiful mathematics of lasting value. 
The applicant should also have an innate sense of the wonder of learning allied with the capacity 
for self-motivation and a track record of academic achievement.

The Mathematically Structured Programming Group's vision is to use
mathematics to understand the nature of computation, and to then turn
that understanding into practical advances within  programming
languages research. This reflects the symbiotic relationship between
mathematics, programming, and the design of programming languages ---
we believe that any attempt to sever this connection will diminish each component. In
order to achieve these research goals, we mainly use ideas from
category theory, type theory, and functional programming. The group consists of a 
number of internationally leading researchers including
Professor Neil Ghani, Dr Patricia Johann, Dr
Conor McBride, Dr Peter Hancock, Dr Robert Atkey, and our
PhD students.

While the lectureship is formally in the area of Program Verification, 
this is to be interpreted broadly. Very broadly. Anyone interested should in the first instance 
contact Professor Neil Ghani, whose email address is "neil.ghani at strath.ac.uk"  to register interest.
Details of the position can be found at


The closing date for applications is Thursday July 26.

Please pass this on to anyone who you think would enjoy the chance to work with us.

All the best

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