[TYPES/announce] New Book from Princeton University Press: Alan Turing's Systems of Logic

Text_Assistant Text_Assistant at press.princeton.edu
Tue Nov 27 10:51:10 EST 2012



Below you will find a brief description of a new title published by Princeton University Press. We hope that you will find this title of interest to your members and would be delighted if you post our message to your discussion list.


Alan Turing's Systems of Logic:

The Princeton Thesis

Edited and introduced by Andrew W. Appel




Cloth | 2012 | $24.95 / £16.95 | ISBN: 9780691155746

160 pp. | 7 x 10


A work of philosophy as well as mathematics, Turing's thesis envisions a practical goal--a logical system to formalize mathematical proofs so they can be checked mechanically. If every step of a theorem could be verified mechanically, the burden on intuition would be limited to the axioms. Turing's point, as Appel writes, is that "mathematical reasoning can be done, and should be done, in mechanizable formal logic." Turing's vision of "constructive systems of logic for practical use" has become reality: in the twenty-first century, automated "formal methods" are now routine.


Presented here in its original form, this fascinating thesis is one of the key documents in the history of mathematics and computer science.



"For me, this is the most interesting of Alan Turing's writings, and it is a real delight to see a facsimile of the original typescript here. The work is packed with ideas that have turned out to be significant for all sorts of current research areas in computer science and mathematics."--Barry Cooper, University of Leeds


Read a sample chapter online, click here:





Thank you for your time.



Emily Witkowski

Text Promotions Intern

Princeton University Press




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