[TYPES/announce] DisCoTec 2013: Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals

Francesco Tiezzi francesco.tiezzi at imtlucca.it
Tue Nov 27 11:04:06 EST 2012

[We apologize for multiple copies]


                Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals
                            DisCoTec 2013

              8th International Federated Conference on
                   Distributed Computing Techniques


                    Firenze, Italy, June 3-6 2013


The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major
events sponsored by the International Federation for Information
processing (IFIP). The main conferences are:


 15th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages

* Co-Chairs *
Rocco De Nicola     (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Christine Julien    (Univ. of Texas, USA)

* Contribution types *
Research papers: 15 pages maximum
Experience reports: 15 pages maximum
Visions in progress papers: 8 pages maximum


               13th IFIP International Conference on
         Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

* Co-Chairs *
Jim Dowling       (KTH / SICS, Sweden)
Francois Taiani   (Univ. de Rennes 1 / IRISA, France)

* Contribution types *
Research papers: 14 pages maximum
Practical experience reports: 14 pages maximum
Work-in-progress papers: 6 pages maximum


            IFIP Joint International Conference on
           Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems
    33rd Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
    15th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

* Co-Chairs *
Dirk Beyer        (Univ. of Passau, Germany)
Michele Boreale   (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Contribution types * 
Research papers: 15 pages maximum
Experience reports: 15 pages maximum
Tool or system description papers: 15 pages maximum


                  Important Dates and Submissions


All conferences share the same deadlines:

February 4, 2013             Abstract submission
February 11, 2013            Paper submission
March 18, 2013               Notification of acceptance
March 25, 2013               Camera-ready version
April 25, 2013               Early registration
June 3-6 2013                Conference and workshops

Each paper will undergo a thorough process of review and all
conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the
LNCS series.


              DisCoTec 2013 Call for Workshop Proposals


DisCoTec 2013 invites proposals for one-day workshops to be part of 
the joint event. DisCoTec 2013 hosts conferences in the area of 
coordination languages, distributed systems and formal methods for 
distributed systems, ranging from practice to theory. We invite 
workshops in these areas to provide a forum for presentations of 
preliminary research results and ongoing work as well as presentations 
of research work to a focused audience. DisCoTec workshops provide a 
vivid and open forum for discussions.

One-day workshops will be held in conjunction with the main events.
Prospective workshop organizers are requested to follow the guidelines
below and are encouraged to contact the workshops chair (Rosario 
Pugliese) if any questions arise.

* Important Dates *

January  8, 2013             Workshop proposal deadline
January 15, 2013             Workshop proposal notification
June 3-5, 2013               Main conferences
June 6, 2013                 Workshops

Submission and notification deadlines of the workshops are at the
discretion of the individual workshop organizers, however notification 
must be no later than the early registration deadline for DisCoTec.

* Proposal Submission Guidelines *

Workshop proposals must be written in English, not exceed 5 pages with 
reasonable font and margin, and be submitted in PDF format via email to
  * Rosario Pugliese (rosario.pugliese AT unifi.it).

Proposals should include the following information:
  * The title, theme, and goals of the workshop.
  * The targeted audience and the expected number of participants. We 
    prefer that workshops remain open to participation from any members 
    of the community, but by-invitation-only workshops will also be 
    considered. Please explicitly state your preference.
  * The publicity strategy that will be used by the workshop organizers
    to promote the workshop.
  * The participant solicitation and selection process.
  * Publication plan. Each workshop is responsible for managing its own
    publication (e.g., pre- and/or post- proceedings), if any is desired.
  * Approximate budget proposal (see Budget section below for details).
  * A preliminary version of the call for papers, which must include
    important dates (e.g. submission, notification, and camera-ready
  * The equipment and any other resource necessary for the organization
    of the workshop.
  * A brief description of the organizer's background, including relevant
    past experience on organizing workshops and contact information.

* Review Process *

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the following committee:
  * Michele Loreti, Univ. of Firenze, Italy (general chair)
  * Rosario Pugliese, Univ. of Firenze, Italy (workshops chair)
  * Francesco Tiezzi, IMT Lucca, Italy (publicity chair)

Acceptance is based on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for
generating useful results, the timeliness and expected interest in the
topics, the organizer's ability to lead a successful workshop, and
potential for attracting sufficient number of participants.

* Workshop Publicity *

Workshop publicity is responsibility of the workshop organizers. In 
particular they are in charge of
   1. Providing a workshop description (200 words) for inclusion on 
      the DisCoTec website.
   2. Hosting and maintaining web pages either on the DisCoTec 
      website or linked from it.
   3. Editing workshop proceedings, if any.
   4. Publicising the event.

* Budget *

DisCoTec will provide registration and organizational support for the
workshops. Registration fees must be paid for all participants,
including organizers and invited guests.

To cover lunches, coffee breaks and basic organizational expenses,
all workshops will be required to charge a minimum participation fee
(the precise amount is still to be determined). Each workshop may 
increase this fee to cover additional expenses such as publication 
charges, student scholarships, costs for invited speakers, etc. All 
fees will be collected by the DisCoTec organizers as part of the 
registration and will be used to cover the expenses of each 
workshop as agreed with the workshop organizers.

* Contact Information *
  Rosario Pugliese (rosario.pugliese AT unifi.it)


                    DisCoTec 2013 Committees


* General Chair *
  Michele Loreti           (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Workshops Chair *
  Rosario Pugliese         (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Publicity Chair *
  Francesco Tiezzi         (IMT Lucca, Italy)

* Local Organizing Committee *
  * Luca Cesari
  * Andrea Margheri
  * Massimiliano Masi
  * Simona Rinaldi
  * Betti Venneri

* Steering Committee *
  * Farhad Arbab           (CWI, Netherlands)
  * Frank de Boer          (CWI, Netherlands)
  * Rocco De Nicola        (IMT Lucca, Italy)
  * Jim Dowling            (KTH, Sweden)
  * Kurt Geihs             (Univ. of Kassel, Germany)
  * Elie Najm (Chair)      (Telecom-ParisTech, France)
  * Rui Oliveira           (Univ. of Minho, Portugal)
  * Marjan Sirjani         (Univ. of Reykjavik, Iceland)
  * Jean-Bernard Stefani   (INRIA, France)

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