[TYPES/announce] Control Operators and their Semantics (COS'13) - Call for Papers

Ugo de' Liguoro deligu at di.unito.it
Thu Jan 10 03:33:04 EST 2013


      Control Operators and their Semantics (COS'13) - Call for Papers

                            Satellite event of RDP'13

               June 24 - 25, 2013, Eindhoven, The Nederlands



Modern programming languages provide sophisticated control mechanisms, 
referred to as control operators which are widely used to realize a 
variety of
applications. Since we cannot escape control features, it becomes a 
to provide them with sound reasoning principles. There is a very active 
on understanding, manipulating, representing, and reasoning about 
non-local control structures, in particular in declarative programming 
such as functional and logic languages. Ideas and results originating 
from this
research area have impact in many other areas of computer science, like 
and concurrent systems, proof theory, proof mining, web programming and 
For instance, the study of the logical foundations of control operators 
renewed the
study of the connections between proofs and programs via the so-called 
correspondence, providing new methods to extract the computational 
content of
classical proofs.

The focus of the workshop is on the interplay between syntax and 
semantics, namely
the central question of what a program means and how it does define the 
intended procedure.

This is a crucial issue especially in the case of control operators, 
since they are
as powerful as potentially obscure, and programs that use them are 
usually more error
prone than purely declarative ones.
The issue of a better understanding of control is also relevant for 
communicating across
different research areas and communities. More abstract views can be 
achieved via several
means, that include operational semantics of formal calculi, abstract 
machines, algebraic
specifications and rewriting, type assignment systems, denotational 
semantics and
game semantics, category theory and logic, to say the least.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

- continuations and delimited continuations
- categorical models of continuations
- compositionality and modularity of control operators
- denotational semantics of control, event structures and causality
- operational semantics and abstract machines
- type systems for control operators
- game semantics of programming languages and of logical proofs
- usage of control operators in proof search and proof mining
- semantics of control operators in logic programming

Invited speakers (topics):
- delimited continuations            TBA
- game semantics of control        TBA

Program Committee:

Zena Ariola                    University of Oregon
Stefano Berardi                Turin University
Hugo Herbelin                INRIA and Laboratoire PPS (Paris 7)
Ugo de'Liguoro (chair)         Turin Univerisity
Ken-etsu Fujita                Gunma University
Koji Nakazawa                Kyoto University
Alexis Saurin, INRIA        Laboratoire PPS (Paris 7)

Proceedings: will appear in the EPTCS series.

Submission: authors of original papers, which have not been published 
are invited to submit title and abstract to the site:


on EasyChair, within 24th March 2013. The proper submission is expected 
6th April via EasyChair. It consists of a LaTex generated pdf file, 
using EPTCS
macro package, available from: http://info.eptcs.org/

Notifaction of acceptance is due to 31th May 2013.
Accepted papers will be submitted via EasyChair both as pdf and source 
within 15th June 2013.

Important Dates:

Abstract:                    March,    24        2013
Submission:                April,    6        2013
Notification:                May,      31         2013
Final version:               June,     15        2013
Workshop:                   June,    24-25    2013


Ugo de'Liguoro
Dipartimento di Informatica,
Università di Torino,
Corso Svizzera 185, 10149 Torino, Italy
email: deliguoro at di.unito.it

Web sites:

COS'13: http://cos2013.di.unito.it
RTD'13: http://www.win.tue.nl/rdp2013/

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