[TYPES/announce] PhD opportunities at the University of Edinburgh

James Cheney james.cheney at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 06:34:24 EST 2013


To follow up the earlier announcement: in addition to a PhD studentship in
any research area, advertised below, we now have confirmed funding from
Microsoft Research for the following project:

Provenance for Configuration Language Security

Ideal candidates would have a background in programming languages, security
or databases, and a strong interest in combining foundational and practical
research techniques.

The application deadline for full consideration is January 28; all
applications by this date will be considered for full funding.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled or March 1,
whichever is earlier.

Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact me (
jcheney at inf.ed.ac.uk) or Paul Anderson (dcspaul at ed.ac.uk) to discuss their
suitability for the project before applying.  If you have already applied
and are interested in this position please let us know (it is not necessary
to re-apply).


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:24 PM, James Cheney <james.cheney at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am recruiting for at least one funded PhD studentship at the University
> of Edinburgh, working with me on one of the following topics (with further
> details given at the associated links).
> * Nominal logic, automated reasoning and type theory (
> http://wcms.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfcs/study/nominal-logic-automated-reasoning-and-type-theory
> )
> * Provenance, programming languages, and security (
> http://wcms.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfcs/study/provenance-programming-languages-and-security
> )
> * XML query/update languages and static analysis (
> http://wcms.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfcs/study/xquery-update-static-analysis)
> * Provenance, curation, and archiving for scientific data (
> http://wcms.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfcs/study/provenance-curation-and-archiving-for-scientific-data
> )
> Projects in other areas related to programming languages, data management,
> or their intersection are also possible; prospective applicants are
> encouraged to contact James Cheney (jcheney at inf.ed.ac.uk), Stratis Viglas
> (sviglas at inf.ed.ac.uk), Peter Buneman (opb at inf.ed.ac.uk) or Paul Anderson
> (dcspaul at ed.ac.uk) to discuss potential project ideas.  Possible research
> topics with others in LFCS are listed at
> http://wcms.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfcs/study/research-topics along with contact
> information for prospective supervisors.
> Available funding can cover full fees and a stipend for a 3-year PhD
> project for a student from the UK or EU.  Additional studentships on
> similar terms may be available contingent on funding decisions.  For
> students from other countries, the School provides assistance identifying
> and applying for appropriate sources of funding to cover additional
> applicable fees.
> To apply, please follow the instructions at:
> http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/informatics/postgraduate/apply/
> and apply to the LFCS PhD program (or just jump directly to
> http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/degrees?id=493&cw_xml=details.php).
> The first deadline for applications is *December 14*; applications received
> by this date will receive full consideration for available funding
> sources.  Please get in touch early in case of questions about the
> application process, project ideas or study in the UK or Edinburgh.
> --James
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