[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: PLACES'13 at ETAPS

Yoshida, Nobuko n.yoshida at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jan 24 10:57:27 EST 2013

[ The themes of PLACES include types, concurrency and mobility. NY]

                   Call For Participation

         Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency
               and Communication-cEntric Software
                23rd March 2013, Rome, Italy
                   (affiliated with ETAPS 2013)

** Registration **

Early registration from 9 January 2013 to 30 January 2013.

** Invited Talk **

Stefan Möhl from Mitrionics

** Programme **


** Accepted Papers **

>From Lock Freedom to Progress Using Session Types
Luca Padovani (University of Torino, Italy)

Session Types for Dynamically Evolvable Communicating Systems
Cinzia Di Giusto (INRIA, France) and Jorge A. Pérez (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Session Types in Abelian Logic
Yoichi Hirai (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Embedding Session Types in HML
Romain Demangeon (Queen Mary, University of London, UK) and Laura Bocchi (University of Leicester, UK)

Coinductive big-step semantics for concurrency
Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)

A Parallel Task Composition Approach to Manycore Programming
Ashkan Tousimojarad (University of Glasgow, UK)

Session Types Go Dynamic or How to Verify Your Python Conversations
Rumyana Neykova (Imperial College London, UK)

Towards deductive verification of MPI programs against session types
Eduardo R. B. Marques, Francisco Martins, Vasco T. Vasconcelos (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Nicholas Ng (Imperial College London, UK) and Nuno Dias Martins
(University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Verification of Transactions in STM Haskell using Contracts and Program Transformation
Romain Demeyer and Wim Vanhoof (University of Namur, Belgium)

Minimising virtual machine support for concurrency
Simon Dobson, Alan Dearle and Barry Porter (University of St-Andrews, UK)

** Background **

Applications today are built using numerous interacting services; soon
off-the-shelf CPUs will host thousands of cores, and sensor networks
will be composed from a large number of processing units. Many
applications need to make effective use of thousands of computing
nodes. At some level of granularity, computation in such systems is
inherently concurrent and communication-centred.

To exploit and harness the richness of this computing environment,
designers and programmers will utilise a rich variety of programming
paradigms, depending on the shape of the data and control
flow. Plausible candidates for such paradigms include structured
imperative concurrent programming, stream-based programming,
concurrent functions with asynchronous message passing, higher-order
types for events, and the use of types for communications and data
structures (such as session types and linear types), to name but a
few. Combinations of these abstractions will be used even in a single
application, and the runtime environment needs to ensure seamless
execution without relying on differences in available resources such
as the number of cores.

The development of effective programming methodologies for the coming
computing paradigm demands exploration and understanding of a wide
variety of ideas and techniques. This workshop aims to offer a forum
where researchers from different fields exchange new ideas on one of
the central challenges for programming in the near future, the
development of programming methodologies and infrastructures where
concurrency and distribution are the norm rather than a marginal

** Topics of Interest **

Submissions are invited in the general area of foundations of
programming languages for concurrency, communication and
distribution. Specific topics include:
* language design and implementations for communications and/or concurrency,
* session types,
* concurrent data types,
* concurrent objects and actors,
* multicore programming,
* use of message passing in systems software,
* interface languages for communication and distribution,
* program analysis,
* web services,
* novel programming methodologies for sensor networks,
* integration of sequential and concurrent programming,
* high-level programming abstractions for security concerns in concurrent, distributed programming,
* runtime architectures for concurrency,
* scalability and/or resource allocations.

** Program Committee **

Alastair Beresford, University of Cambridge, UK
Viviana Bono, Universita di Torino, Italy
Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK
Dan Ghica, University of Birmingham, UK
Joshua Guttman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, US
Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Paul Keir, Codeplay Ltd, UK
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Conor McBride, University of Strathclyde, UK
Jeremy Singer, University of Glasgow, UK
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Nikhil Swamy, Microsoft Research, US
Wim Vanderbauwhede (co-chair), University of Glasgow, UK
Hugo Torres Vieira, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Nobuko Yoshida (co-chair), Imperial College London, UK

** Organizing Committee **

Alastair Beresford, University of Cambridge, UK
Simon Gay, University of Glasgow, UK
Alan Mycroft, University of Cambridge, UK
Vasco Vasconcelos, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London, UK
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