[TYPES/announce] Oregon Programming Languages Summer School

Amal Ahmed amal at ccs.neu.edu
Thu Jan 24 13:43:01 EST 2013

We are pleased to announce the preliminary program for the 12th annual
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School (OPLSS) to be held July
22nd to August 3rd, 2013 at the University of Oregon in Eugene.  The
registration deadline will be April 16th, 2013. 

This year's program is titled Types, Logic, and Verification and
features the following speakers: 

Amal Ahmed -- Logical Relations
Northeastern University

Robert Harper -- Type Theory Foundations
Carnegie Mellon University

Dan Licata -- Programming in Agda
Carnegie Mellon University and Institute for Advanced Study 

Greg Morrisett -- Coq as a Programming Language
Harvard University

Simon Peyton-Jones -- Functional Programming in Haskell
Microsoft Research

Frank Pfenning -- Linear Logic and Session-based Concurrency
Carnegie Mellon University

Andrew Tolmach -- Software Foundations in Coq
Portland State University

Stephanie Weirich -- Designing Dependently-Typed Programming Languages
University of Pennsylvania

Steve Zdancewic -- Verifying LLVM Optimizations in Coq
University of Pennsylvania

Full information on registration will be available shortly at 

Amal Ahmed
Bob Constable
Frank Pfenning
Benjamin Pierce

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