[TYPES/announce] Call for Tutorials: RV'13

Uli Fahrenberg ulrich.fahrenberg at irisa.fr
Mon Feb 18 11:06:52 EST 2013

                        CALL FOR TUTORIALS

                Fourth International Conference on
                       Runtime Verification

                       INRIA Rennes, France
                       24-27 September 2013


RV'13, the Fourth International Conference on Runtime Verification,
will take place at INRIA Rennes, France, from 24 to 27 September 2013.


As with previous editions, RV'13 will host a few invited tutorials.
These are three-hour presentations on a selected topic.  Additionally,
tutorial presenters will be offered to publish a paper of up to twenty
pages in the LNCS conference proceedings.

A proposal for a tutorial must contain the subject of the tutorial, a
proposed timeline, a note on  previous similar tutorials (if applicable)
and the differences to this incarnation, and a biography of the
presenter.  It must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guide-
lines and not exceed 2 pages.


Tutorial submission: 5 May 2013
Notification: 12 May 2013
Final version: 7 July 2013


Runtime verification is concerned with monitoring and analysis of soft-
ware and hardware system executions.  Runtime verification techniques
are crucial for system correctness and reliability; they are signif-
icantly more powerful and versatile than conventional testing, and more
practical than exhaustive formal verification.  Runtime verification can
be used prior to deployment, for verification and debugging purposes,
and after deployment for ensuring reliability, safety and security,
and for providing fault containment and recovery.


- specification languages and formalisms for traces
- specification mining
- program instrumentation
- monitor construction techniques
- logging, recording, and replay
- fault detection, localization, recovery and repair
- program steering and adaptation
- metrics and statistical information gathering
- combination of static and dynamic analyses
- program execution visualization


The RV'13 proceedings will be published as a volume of the LNCS series
at Springer.  To submit a tutorial, send an email to
rv2013-info at lists.gforge.inria.fr

For more information, see http://rv2013.gforge.inria.fr/

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