[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: SMC 2013

Uli Fahrenberg ulrich.fahrenberg at irisa.fr
Mon Feb 18 10:49:45 EST 2013

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                             SMC  2013
                         First Workshop on
                    Statistical  Model Checking

                       INRIA Rennes, France
                        23 September  2013

                      Associated  with RV'13

SMC 2013, the First Workshop on Statistical Model Checking, will take
place at INRIA Rennes, France, on 23 September 2013.  The workshop is
associated with RV'13, the Fourth International Conference on Runtime


Sylvain Peyronnet, University of Caen, France
Alexandre David, University of Aalborg, Denmark


Axel Legay, INRIA Rennes, France
Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Serge Haddad, ENS Cachan, France


Axel Legay, INRIA Rennes, France


Paper submission: 17 May 2013
Notification: 17 June 2013
Final version: 15 July 2013


Statistical Model Checking has recently been proposed as an alternative
to avoid an exhaustive exploration of the state space of a system under
verification. The core idea of the approach is to conduct some sim-
ulations of the system and then use results from the statistics area in
order to decide whether the system satisfies the property with respect
to a given probability. The answer is correct up to some confidence.
SMC is generally much faster (but less precise) than formal verification
techniques. Moreover, the approach can be used to verify properties that
cannot be expressed by the classical temporal logics used in formal
verification. The objective of SMC 2013 is to discuss recent advances
in Statistical Model Checking.


The SMC 2013 proceedings will be published as a volume of EPTCS.
Submission of papers to RV'13 is handled through EasyChair, at

For more information, see http://rv2013.gforge.inria.fr/workshop.html

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