Sandra Alves sandra at dcc.fc.up.pt
Fri Mar 22 19:40:56 EDT 2013

The Logic Colloquium 2013 (ASL European Summer Meeting) will take place for the first time in Portugal, in Évora,  one of Portugal’s most beautifully preserved medieval towns, which was declared World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1986, on July 22-27, 2013. The Logic Colloquium is the annual European conference on Logic, organised under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) and provides a forum for presenting and discussing the new developments in the area of Logic, including Mathematical logic, Computer science logic and Philosophical logic. The scientific program of the Logic Colloquium 2013 is composed of  very important invited speakers including a Fields Medalist (Mathematics Nobel prize) and a  CNRS Silver Medalist. 
Submission for Contributed talks is now open (deadline March 29); the call for ASL travel grants and ASL-NSF travel grants is  open (deadline March 25). Registration is now also open (deadline May 31). For further details see the meeting web page:  http://ptmat.fc.ul.pt/LC2013.
 Please forward this message to everyone you know. Don't forget anyone!
 The organizing committee.
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