[TYPES/announce] LSFA 2013 - Call for papers

Maribel Fernandez maribel.fernandez at kcl.ac.uk
Sat Mar 23 14:26:30 EDT 2013

                           LSFA 2013 --- CALL FOR PAPERS
     8th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
                       2-3 September 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil
                        *** Submission deadline: 12 May ***

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together theoreticians and
practitioners to promote new techniques and results, and to facilitate
feedback on the implementation and application of such techniques and
results in practice.
Topics of interest to this forum include, but are not limited to:
    * Logical frameworks
    * Proof theory
    * Type theory
    * Automated deduction
    * Semantic frameworks
    * Specification languages and meta-languages
    * Formal semantics of languages and systems
    * Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
    * Implementation of logical and/or semantic frameworks
    * Applications of logical and/or semantic frameworks
LSFA 2013 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work
in progress, and therefore to provide feedback to authors on their
preliminary research.  The proceedings are produced after the
meeting, so that authors can incorporate this feedback in the
published papers.

LSFA 2013 will take place on the 2nd and 3rd September 2013 in Sao
Paulo, Brazil.  Previous editions took place in Rio de Janeiro (2012), Belo
Horizonte (2011), Natal (2010), Brasilia (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro
Preto (2007), Natal (2006).

Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers (with a maximum of 16 pages) or short papers (with a
maximum of 6 pages). They must be unpublished and not submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The papers should be
prepared in latex using ENTCS style. The submission should be in the
form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair:
The workshop pre-proceedings, containing the reviewed extended
abstracts, will be handed-out at workshop registration. After the
workshop the authors will be invited to submit full versions of their
works for the ENTCS post-proceedings. At least one of the authors should
register for the conference. Presentations should be in English.

# Submission: Sunday 12 May
# Notification: Friday 28 June
# Preliminary proceedings version due: Sunday 14 July
# Submission for final proceedings: Sunday 27 October

Carlos Areces (U. Cordoba, Argentina)
Marcello D'Agostino (U. Ferrara, Italy)
Jose Meseguer (U. Illinois, USA)

Elvira Albert, Mauricio Ayala Rincon, Eduardo Bonelli,
Ana Bove, Carlos Castro, Adriana Compagnoni, Amy Felty,
Maribel Fernandez (co-chair), Marcelo Finger (co-chair),
Hermann Haeusler, Delia Kesner, Joao Marcos, Luca Paolini,
Elaine Pimentel, Femke van Raamsdonk, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca,
Torsten Schaub, Alvaro Tasistro, Daniel Ventura, Renata Wassermann.

Mauricio Ayala Rincon, Eduardo Ferme, Marcelo Finger, Renata Wassermann

CONTACT: lsfa2013 at easychair.org

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