[TYPES/announce] Call for papers-ISDT'13

Xiangnan Zhou xnzhoumath at 163.com
Fri May 3 02:12:11 EDT 2013

The 6th International Symposium on Domain Theory and its Applications (ISDT’13)
October 25-29, 2013
Hunan University, Changsha, China
Dear Colleagues,
    ISDT’13 welcomes the submission of papers whose deadline is set for May 30, 2013.
    The sixth International Symposium on Domain Theory and its Applications will take place on the campus of Hunan University in Changsha, China, from October 25 to October 29, 2013 (the first ISDT was held in Shanghai, October 17-24, 1999, the second ISDT was held in Chengdu, China, October 22-26, 2001, the third ISDT was held in Xi’an, China, May 10-14, 2004, the fourth ISDT was held in Changsha, China, June 2-6, 2006, the fifth ISDT was held in Shanghai, China, September 11-14, 2009). This conference is intended to be a forum for researchers in domain theory and its applications. The conference series also aims to broaden its scope of applications in computer science and mathematics.
Topics of interest
• Topological and logical aspects of domains
• Categories of domains and powerdomains
• Continuous posets and fuzzy domains
• Partial orders, lattice theory and metric spaces
• Types, process algebra and concurrency
• Non-classical and partial logics
• Programming language semantics
• Applications in computer science and mathematics

    All the submitted paper should describe previously unpublished work, and should be prepared in Latex using the macros of ENTCS. The macros will be available on the ENTCS Macro Web Site http://www.entcs.org. The PDF file of the submitted paper should be sent to xnzhou81026 at 163.com before May 30, 2013. Please e-mail it with header ISDT’13. All submissions will be peer reviewed and all accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.
Confirmed invited speakers
 Dana Scott, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Keynote)
 Achim Jung, University of Birmingham, UK
 Glynn Winskel, University of Cambridge, UK

         Ying-Ming Liu (chair), China
         Mao-kang Luo (co-chair), China
         Michael Mislove (co-chair), USA
         Guo-Qiang Zhang (co-chair), USA
         Lars Birkedal, Denmark
         Yixiang Chen, China
         Pierre-Louis, Curien, France
         Martin Escardo, UK
         Yuxi Fu, China
         Ying Jiang, China
         Klaus Keimel, Germany
         Hui Kou, China
         Jimmie Lawson, USA
         M. Andrew Moshier, USA
         Jan Rutten, Netherland
         Daniele Varacca, France
         Guo-Jun Wang, China
         Luoshan Xu, China
         Xiaoquan Xu, China
         Zhongqiang Yang, China
         Dexue Zhang, China
         Bin Zhao, China
     Chairman:    Yueyu Zhao (Hunan University, President)
     Co-chairman: Yueping Jiang (Hunan University, Dean, College of Mathematics and Econometrics)
     Co-chairman: Qingguo Li (Hunan University, Dean, Graduate School)
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
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Best regards,
Xiangnan Zhou
ISDT’13 Organizing Committee
College of Mathematics and Econometrics,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410012, China
Tel.: +86 134 675 119 42
Fax:  +86 731 888 227 55
Email: xnzhou81026 at 163.com
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