[TYPES/announce] BEAT 2 Workshop @ SEFM: Call for Participation

Simon Gay Simon.Gay at glasgow.ac.uk
Tue Aug 6 10:09:15 EDT 2013

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                                BEAT II

           Second International Workshop on Behavioural Types
                  23-24 September 2013, Madrid, Spain

Organized by COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable
Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY).

Affiliated to SEFM 2013: 11th International Conference on Software
Engineering and Formal Methods.

** There is still space in the programme for additional informal talks.
Please contact the PC chair. **

** Scope **

Behavioural type systems go beyond data type systems in order to
specify, characterize and reason about dynamic aspects of program
execution. Behavioural types encompass: session types; contracts (for
example in service-oriented systems); typestate; types for analysis of
termination, deadlock-freedom, liveness, race-freedom and related
properties; intersection types applied to behavioural properties; and
other topics. Behavioural types can form a basis for both static
analysis and dynamic monitoring. Recent years have seen a rapid
increase in research on behavioural types, driven partly by the need
to formalize and codify communication structures as computing moves
from the data-processing era to the communication era, and partly by
the realization that type-theoretic techniques can provide insight
into the fine structure of computation.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in all
aspects of behavioural type theory and its applications, in order to
share results, consolidate the community, and discover opportunities
for new collaborations and future directions.

** List of talks **


** Registration **

Via the SEFM registration site; early registration deadline is 12th August.

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