[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: HOPE 2013 (with special session in memory of John Reynolds)

Hongseok Yang hongseok00 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 09:42:37 EDT 2013


                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                           HOPE 2013

                The 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
              Higher-Order Programming with Effects

                      September 28, 2013
                     Boston, Massachusetts
                   (the day after ICFP 2013)



HOPE 2013 aims at bringing together researchers interested in the
design, semantics, implementation, and verification of higher-order
effectful programs. It will be *informal*, consisting of invited talks
and contributed talks on work in progress.


Deadline for early registration: 22 August 2013
Web site: https://regmaster3.com/2013conf/ICFP13/register.php

This is the registration site for ICFP 2013 and all the affiliated
workshops including HOPE 2013.

Special Session in Memory of John Reynolds

At this year's HOPE, we will organize a special session in memory of
the late John Reynolds, who developed several seminal results on the
design, semantics, and verification of higher-order programs with
effects. The session will include talks from the following invited

Olivier Danvy
Robert Harper
Peter O'Hearn
Uday Reddy

This special session is sponsored in part by a generous donation
from Microsoft Research.

List of Accepted Talks

(1) Adam Chlipala. Adventures in Knot-Tying while Verifying a Thread
Library in Coq

(2) Jeremy Siek. Linking isn't Substitution

(3) Danel Ahman. Refinement Types and Algebraic Effects

(4) Phillip Mates and Amal Ahmed. A Kripke Logical Relation for Affine
Functions: The Story of a Free Theorem in the Presence of Non-termination

(5) Aleksandar Nanevski, Ruy Ley-Wild, Ilya Sergey and German Andres
Delbianco. Subjective Concurrent Protocol Logica

(6) Kasper Svendsen and Lars Birkedal. Impredicative Concurrent Abstract

(7) Armael Gueneau, Francois Pottier and Jonathan Protzenko. The ins and
outs of iteration in Mezzo

(8) Andrzej Murawski and Nikos Tzevelekos. Deconstructing general
references via game semantics

(9) Devin Coughlin and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang. Attacking the Imperative
Relationship Update Problem with Almost Everywhere Heap Invariants

(10) David Swasey, Derek Dreyer, Deepak Garg and Robert Harper. Protocols
for Protocols: Using Modal Separation Logic to Prove Extrinsic Properties
of Secure Communication

Goals of the Workshop

A recurring theme in many papers at ICFP, and in the research of many
ICFP attendees, is the interaction of higher-order programming with
various kinds of effects: storage effects, I/O, control effects,
concurrency, etc. While effects are of critical importance in many
applications, they also make it hard to build, maintain, and reason
about one's code. Higher-order languages (both functional and
object-oriented) provide a variety of abstraction mechanisms to help
"tame" or "encapsulate" effects (e.g. monads, ADTs, ownership types,
typestate, first-class events, transactions, Hoare Type Theory,
session types, substructural and region-based type systems), and a
number of different semantic models and verification technologies have
been developed in order to codify and exploit the benefits of this
encapsulation (e.g. bisimulations, step-indexed Kripke logical
relations, higher-order separation logic, game semantics, various
modal logics). But there remain many open problems, and the field is
highly active.

The goal of the HOPE workshop is to bring researchers from a variety
of different backgrounds and perspectives together to exchange new and
exciting ideas concerning the design, semantics, implementation, and
verification of higher-order effectful programs.

Workshop Organization

Program Co-Chairs:

Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS, Germany)
Hongseok Yang (University of Oxford)

Program Committee:

Anindya Banerjee (IMDEA Software Institute)
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Aquinas Hobor (National University of Singapore)
Chung-Kil Hur (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Patricia Johann (Appalachian State University)
Matthew Might (University of Utah)
Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)
Zhong Shao (Yale)
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