[TYPES/announce] "Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics", IHP trimester, Paris, spring 2014: call for starting school application and workshop registration

Hugo Herbelin Hugo.Herbelin at inria.fr
Wed Oct 9 12:52:50 EDT 2013

          Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics

                 special programme organised by
        the Centre Émile Borel of Henri Poincaré Institute

                Paris, April 7th - July 11th, 2014


Application for starting school at CIRM (Marseille) and registration
for workshops at IHP (Paris) is open (registration for workshops is
necessary for logistical reasons).

If you intend to attend the school or one or several workshops, please
register also to the full trimester.

* Workshops *

Kick-off: Formalisation in mathematics and in computer science

May 5-9: Formalization of mathematics in proof assistants
Organisers: Georges Gonthier and Vladimir Voevodsky

June 2-6: Constructive mathematics and models of type theory
Organisers: Thierry Coquand and Thomas Streicher

June 10-14: Semantics of proofs and programs
Organisers: Thomas Ehrhard and Alex Simpson

June 23-27: Abstraction and verification in semantics
Organisers: Luke Ong and Igor Walukiewicz

July  7-11: Certification of high-level and low-level programs
Organisers: Christine Paulin and Zhong Shao

* Starting school lecturers *

April 7-11: Thierry Coquand, Assia Mahboubi, Alexandre Miquel
April 14-18: Amal Ahmed, Pierre-Louis Curien, Alex Simpson

* Associated events hosted at IHP *

May 12-16: TYPES conference + Proof, Computation, Complexity workshop
May 26-30: Mathematics, Algorithms, Proofs conference (MAP)

The call for participation for these events will be announced
separately by the respective organisers.

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