[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral and Predoctoral Researcher Vacancies at Imperial College

Constantinides, George A g.constantinides at imperial.ac.uk
Wed May 21 12:47:39 EDT 2014

Imperial College is recruiting for researchers across this spectrum of areas of relevance to this list:

	• Formal verification (software and hardware)
	• Semantics of programming languages
	• Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms
	• Automated theorem proving
	• Real algebraic geometry

The full advertisement can be found at http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AIU093/research-assistant-associate/. Applications close on 15 June 2014.

Please could you help to distribute this advertisement.

Professor George A. Constantinides
Head, Circuits and Systems Group
Professor of Digital Computation
g.constantinides at imperial.ac.uk
Administrator: Mrs W. Hsissen (w.hsissen at ic.ac.uk) +44 20 7594 6261

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