[TYPES/announce] 25th CADE - Encyclopedia of Proof Systems (EPS) - Call for Contributions

Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo bruno.wp at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 04:28:18 EDT 2015

== EPS == 
the CADE-25 Poster Session and Task-Force 
for an Encyclopedia of Proof Systems          

 --- call for contributions ---

August 1-7, 2015, Berlin, Germany 

affiliated to:
CADE - the Conference on Automated Deduction
http://conference.mi.fu-berlin.de/cade-25/home <http://conference.mi.fu-berlin.de/cade-25/home> 

Aims and Scope

In this jubilee edition of CADE (the Conference on Automated
Deduction), we shall commemorate the multitude of proof systems that
form the theoretical foundations for automated deduction. To achieve
this goal, we propose to bring the whole community together in a
task-force to produce a concise encyclopedia of proof systems. Every
entry in this encyclopedia will follow a given template and will
preferably be exactly one page long, displaying the inference rules of
the proof system and possibly a few clarifying remarks. The one-page
encyclopedia entries will be displayed as posters during CADE.

Submission Instructions

Please visit the task-force's website for instructions:

Participation in CADE is not required for submission,
but is strongly encouraged.

Important Dates

- Submission Deadline: 31st of May 2015
- Notification: 15th of June 2015

Publication Plans

When the encyclopedia reaches a broad 
coverage of proof systems, its publication 
as a book will be sought.

In the meanwhile, the encyclopedia is already available at: 
https://github.com/ProofSystem/Encyclopedia/blob/master/main.pdf <https://github.com/ProofSystem/Encyclopedia/blob/master/main.pdf> 


Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo (bruno at logic.at)
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