[TYPES/announce] Reversible Computation (RC 2016) 2nd CfP

ivan.lanese ivan.lanese at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 05:09:55 EST 2016

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Highlights: LNCS proceedings confirmed and SCP (Elsevier) special issue


2nd Call for Papers
8th Conference on Reversible Computation
(RC 2016)

July 7th-8th, 2016, Bologna, Italy
Abstract Submission: Sun, January 31th, 2016
Submission Deadline: Sun, February 7th, 2016


Reversible computation has a growing number of promising application areas 
such as low power design, coding/decoding, program debugging, testing, 
database recovery, discrete event simulation, reversible algorithms, 
reversible specification formalisms, reversible programming languages, 
process algebras, and the modeling of biochemical systems. Furthermore, 
reversible logic provides a basis for quantum computation with its 
applications, for example, in cryptography and in the development of 
highly efficient algorithms. First reversible circuits and quantum 
circuits have been implemented recently and are seen as promising 
alternatives to conventional CMOS technology.

The conference will bring together researchers from computer science, 
mathematics, and physics to discuss new developments and directions for 
future research in Reversible Computation. This includes applications of 
reversibility in quantum computation. Research papers, tutorials, tool 
demonstrations, and work-in-progress reports are within the scope of the 
conference. Contributions on the following topics in Reversible 
Computation are welcome:

* Applications
* Architectures
* Algorithms
* Circuit Design
* Debugging
* Fault Tolerance and Error Correction
* Hardware
* Information Theory
* Physical Realizations
* Programming Languages
* Quantum Computation
* Software
* Synthesis
* Theoretical Results
* Testing
* Verification

===== Important Dates =====

- Abstract Submission: Sun, January 31th, 2016
- Submission Deadline: Sun, February 7th, 2016
- Notification to Authors: Sun, March 21st, 2016
- Final Version: Sun, April 10th, 2016
- Conference: Thu-Fri, July 7th and 8th, 2016

===== Invited speakers =====

* Samson Abramsky (University of Oxford)
* Adam Whiteside (University of Melbourne & Google), presenting joint work 
with Austin Fowler (Google)

===== Paper submission =====

Contributions must be written in English and report on original, 
unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The submissions 
must be prepared using Springer's LNCS style. Submissions not adhering to 
the specified constraints may be rejected without review. Papers can be 
submitted electronically in pdf via the RC 2016 interface of the EasyChair 

We solicit the following kinds of submissions:
- full research papers (16 pages maximum)
- tutorials (16 pages maximum),
- work-in-progress or tool demonstration papers (6 pages maximum).

Additional material intended for reviewers but not for publication in the 
final version - for example, details of proofs - may be placed in a 
clearly marked appendix that is not included in the page limit. Reviewers 
are at liberty to ignore appendices and papers must be understandable 
without them.

Each paper will undergo a peer review of at least 3 anonymous reviewers. 
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS 

===== Special Issue =====

Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of 
their work to a special issue to be published in Science of Computer 
Programming (Elsevier).

===== Program Chairs =====

Ivan Lanese
University of Bologna/INRIA

Simon Devitt
National Institute of Informatics

===== Program Committee =====

* Michael Bremner (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
* Andrew Cross (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, US)
* Gerhard Dueck (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
* Simon Gay (University of Glasgow, UK)
* Robert Glueck (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Jarkko Kari (University of Turku, Finland)
* Rodney Van Meter (Keio University, Japan)
* Michael Miller (University of Victoria, Canada)
* Alexandru Paler (University of Passau, Germany)
* Markus Schordan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, US)
* Ulrik Schultz (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
* Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Canada)
* Indranil Sengupta (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)
* Mathias Soeken (EPFL, Switzerland)
* Jean-Bernard Stefani (INRIA, France)
* Irek Ulidowski (University of Leicester, UK)
* Benoit Valiron (CentraleSupelec, France)
* Robert Wille (University of Bremen, Denmark)
* Tetsuo Yokoyama (Nanzan University, Japan)

===== Conference Organizer =====

Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA, Bologna, Italy)
ivan.lanese at gmail.com

info at reversible-computation.org

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