[TYPES/announce] PLDI'16 Call for Student Volunteers

Manu Sridharan manu at sridharan.net
Fri Mar 18 13:34:32 EDT 2016

*PLDI'16 Call for Student Volunteers*

PLDI is pleased to offer a number of opportunities for student volunteers,
who are vital to the efficient operation and continued success of the
conference each year. The student volunteer program is a chance for
students from around the world to participate in the conferences whilst
assisting us in preparing and running the event. In return, volunteers are
granted free registration to the conferences, tutorials, workshops, and

Job assignments for student volunteers include assisting with technical
sessions, workshops, tutorials and panels, checking badges at doors,
operating the information desk, helping with traffic flow, and general
assistance to keep the conferences running smoothly.

The first deadline for applications is *April 7th, 2016.  *Details are at
the following website:

On behalf of the student volunteers chair,
Ben Hardekopf
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