[TYPES/announce] Verification Mentoring Workshop 2016: CALL for Applications for Student Travel Scholarships

Andrey Rybalchenko rybal at microsoft.com
Wed Mar 23 15:03:22 EDT 2016

Verification Mentoring Workshop 2016:  
CALL for Applications for Student Travel Scholarships 
We are organizing a one‐day workshop called the Verification Mentoring Workshop (VMW). It is co‐ located with the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), to be held in Toronto, July 17‐23, 2015. CAV is a premier conference in the area of verification, dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer‐aided formal analysis methods for hardware and software systems. The goal of VMW is to attract early‐stage graduate students to pursue research careers in the area of computer‐aided verification and formal methods.   
Invited talks at the workshop will cover a broad overview of research topics in the area (so students can follow sessions of interest at CAV), the range of career options and perspectives (academia, industry, research labs, etc), and an insight into reviewing process (for papers, grant and job applications). Participation of women and under‐represented minorities is especially encouraged.  
We will provide travel scholarships to student participants (graduates, and rising Senior or Senior undergraduates), where the scholarships will cover registration for the VMW workshop and CAV conference, accommodations, plus travel expenses. The workshop website http://i-cav.org/2016/vmw is now accepting applications. 
Important Dates: 
Deadline for submission of applications: April 15, 2016 
Notification of travel scholarships awarded: May 1, 2016 
VMW Workshop: July 18, 2016 
VMW 2016 is partially supported by Microsoft Research and the NSF (National Science Foundation, USA).  
More details on the VMW workshop and CAV conference can be found at http://i/‐cav.org/2016/.   
Organizers of VMW 2015: 
Aarti Gupta, Princeton, USA
Ruzica Piskac, Yale, USA
Andrey Rybalchenko, Microsoft Research, UK 

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