[TYPES/announce] SASB 2017 deadline extended!

Jean Yang jyang2 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jun 26 14:39:34 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

  We wanted to let you know that we've extended the deadline for the Static
Analysis deadline. The deadline for submitting paper and presentations used
to be July 1, 2017. This is now the abstract deadline, and the deadline for
the full submission is July 8, 2017.

  Also, registration is now open:
Especially if you're already attending SAS, we encourage you to join us to
hear more about applying programming languages and formal methods
techniques to biology!

John Bachman and Jean Yang
SASB 2017 Program Co-Chairs


(Papers and talks)

SASB 2017
The Eighth International Workshop on Static Analysis in Systems Biology
Colocated with Static Analysis Workshop (SAS) 2017


29th August 2017, New York, New York

SASB is a one-day workshop aimed at promoting discussions and
collaborations at the intersection between programming languages, formal
methods, static analysis, and systems and synthetic biology of natural and
engineered systems.

The program of SASB 2017 will consist of invited talks, presentations of
refereed talks, and presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are
welcome on all aspects of modeling languages and associated analysis
techniques, including static analysis of natural biological systems and the
design, specification and verification of engineered biological and
chemical systems. This includes, but is not limited to:
- static analysis frameworks and tools,
- equivalences and equivalence checking techniques,
- model reduction and decomposition techniques based on static analysis,
- state space compaction based on static analysis,
- links between topology and dynamics,
- constraint-based and stoichiometric analysis,
- languages for compact description of biological models,
- formalisms for description of biological networks,
- programming languages for molecular devices,
- static analysis in verification of molecular devices design,
- standards for models and their annotation,
- case studies and method applications,
- informal methods (that could be candidate to formalization).

Full papers should be at most 12 pages, ENTCS format, excluding references.
Extended abstracts (for presentation-only submissions) should be at most
three pages, excluding references. Please submit on EasyChair here:

Important Dates
Abstract submissions due: July 1, 2017
Paper and presentation submissions due: July 8, 2017
Paper and presentation notifications: August 2, 2017

Invited Speaker:
Matt Might (pending White House Approval), Strategist in the Executive
Office of the President, Director of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine
Institute (UAB)

sasb2017-chairs at cs@cmu at edu


Program co-chairs
Jean Yang, Carnegie Mellon University
John A. Bachman, Harvard Medical School

Program Committee
- Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research
- Eric Deeds, University of Kansas
- James Faeder, University of Pittsburgh
- Jérôme Feret, INRIA Paris
- Ben Hall, University of Cambridge
- Jean Krivine, Université Paris Diderot
- Nicola Paoletti, Stony Brook University
- Loic Paulevé, CNRS and LRI
- Tatjana Petrov, IST Austria
- Amoury Pouly, MPI-SWS
- Ovidiu Radulescu, Université de Montpellier 2
- Qinsi Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
- Paolo Zuliani, Newcastle University

Jean Yang
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
jeanyang.com | @jeanqasaur <http://twitter.com/jeanqasaur>
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