[TYPES/announce] Fwd: Assistant Professor in Logic of Programs, Stockholm University (Closing date: April 3)

Gabriel Scherer gabriel.scherer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 02:10:10 EDT 2018

Dear list,

Erik Palmgren <palmgren at math.su.se> sends the following announcement
to the list:

# Tenure track position as Assistant Professor in Computer Science
directed towards Logic of Programs, at the Department of Mathematics,
Stockholm University.

Closing date for application April 3.

The last century of research has led the Department of Mathematics at
Stockholm University to acquire a prominent place in Scandinavian
mathematics. The department consists of two divisions: mathematics and
mathematical statistics. The research thrusts in the division of
mathematics include algebra, geometry and combinatorics, analysis and
logic. During the last decade the division has almost doubled the
number of students. The research thrusts in mathematical statistics
include probability theory and statistical inference theory, with
applications in biostatistics, climatology, econometrics, finance and
insurance. A newly formed and growing direction of research and
education in the department is Computer Science and Scientific
Computing focuses on computational biology, bioinformatics, stochastic
modelling and scientific computing for climatology, and logic of
programs. As of 2018 the department is responsible for the BSc
Programme in Computer Science.

We implement an active policy to develop and modernize the educational
process. Both our Bachelors and Masters programs in mathematics
received the highest ranking in the latest university evaluation.

## Subject description

The subject of the position includes program verification,
implementation of proof systems, and applications of proof theory in
programming, functional programming, and semantics of programming

## Main responsibilities

Research and in addition some teaching and supervision.

## Further information

- Possibilities to work with the wellknown logic/type theory group*
- The teaching load is at most 30 % for the first 4 years.
- Proficiency in Swedish is not a requirement at the time of
appointment, but the candidate should be prepared to carry out
teaching and administrative duties that require proficiency in Swedish
within two years of employment.

## Full announcement:


Erik Palmgren

Professor of Mathematical Logic


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