[TYPES/announce] Open Ph.D. position in Runtime Verification and Monitoring at ETH Zürich

Dmitriy Traytel traytel at inf.ethz.ch
Fri May 25 10:33:38 EDT 2018

Ph.D. Research Project at ETH Zürich on Big Data Monitoring
Prof. David Basin and Dr. Dmitriy Traytel, ETH Zürich

The Information Security Group carries out research on methods
and tools for the analysis and construction of safe and secure
systems. This includes methods for specifying systems,
developing systems in correctness-preserving ways, and verifying
or testing existing systems and infrastructures. Our goal is not
only to build and analyze novel systems and security solutions,
but also to develop better methods and tools for system
engineering and quality assurance activities.

We have an open Ph.D. research position on "Big Data
Monitoring". The project's main objective is to develop and
implement efficient, parallelized algorithms capable of checking
whether a high-volume and high-velocity stream of events comply
with given rules. The rules are formulated in an input language
that allows users to express temporal and data dependencies
between different events in the data feed in a simple and
intuitive manner. If any of the rules are violated, a compact
output of the data that caused the violation should be produced.

The ideal candidate for this position is an enthusiastic,
outstanding researcher with a strong background and interest in
one or more of the following areas:

- formal methods or mathematical logic,
- automata theory or model checking or runtime verification,
- stream processing or data stream management systems.

Candidates with a strong theoretical background in related areas
are also encouraged to apply. ETH Zürich regulations require PhD
candidates to hold a Master's or equivalent degree (e.g.
Diplom). The project is funded by the Swiss National Science
Foundation and will be supervised by Prof. David Basin and Dr.
Dmitriy Traytel.

The Ph.D. student will be a paid employee of ETH Zürich. Salary
and employment conditions are attractive. ETH Zürich regulations
require doctoral students to hold a Master's or equivalent
degree (e.g. Diplom).

Zurich is a diverse and multicultural city, which is
consistently rated among the best cities in the world in which
to live. We favor the same sort of diversity that defines
Zurich's cultural makeup and encourage anyone matching the
profile above to apply, regardless of where you are from.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a brief
description of research interests, transcripts of grades, 2-3
letters of recommendation from teachers or employers, and, if
possible, the Master's or Bachelor's thesis and publications.
Applications and informal inquiries should be sent to Dmitriy
Traytel at the following email address:

   infsec.positions at inf.ethz.ch

ETH Zürich specifically encourages women to apply with a view
towards increasing the proportion of female researchers.

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