[TYPES/announce] ECOOP'19 London - Final Call for Papers
Edd Barrett
edd at theunixzoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 3 18:13:32 EST 2019
Hi everyone,
We are about a week away from the submission deadline for ECOOP'19.
If you've not yet considered submitting, there may still be time to get a short
paper ready for the "Pearls" or "Brave New Ideas" tracks!
The 33rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Call for Papers
15th-19th July 2019
London, England
** NEW for 2019:
- Alternative paper categories
- Journal First publication routes
ECOOP is Europe's longest-standing annual Programming Languages (PL)
conference, and welcomes high quality research papers relating to the
PL field in a broad sense.
This year the conference will feature dedicated paper categories for
reproduction studies, experience reports, reflective "pearls", and
forward-thinking "new idea" papers.
We are also pleased to have two Journal First routes for submission to
ECOOP, with the ACM TOPLAS and Science of Computer Programming
Read on!
Important Dates
(The deadlines for Journal First submissions are different from the
main ECOOP submission deadline; please see below.)
- Paper submission: January 11, 2019
- Author response: March 12-14, 2019
- Author notification: April 2, 2019
- Camera-ready version due: June 11, 2019
What's with the OO?
The OO in ECOOP has traditionally stood for "object-oriented". These
days, while the conference absolutely welcomes papers that relate to
OO, the scope of ECOOP is much broader and encompasses the Programming
Languages field as a whole. Think of the conference as being called
"ECOOP: the European COnference On Programming languages".
Paper Selection
ECOOP 2019 solicits high-quality submissions describing original and
unpublished results on any Programming Languages topic.
On submission, authors will be asked to identify their paper with one
of the following categories, details of which are given below:
- Research Paper
- Reproduction Study
- Experience Report
- Tool Insights Paper
- Pearl
- Brave New Idea
The Program Committee and External Review Committee will evaluate the
contribution of each submission in the context of the paper category,
as well as its general relevance and accessibility to a PL audience.
All papers will be evaluated with reference to:
- Significance. The results in the paper must have the potential to
add to the state of the art, practice, or understanding of the field
in significant ways.
- Evidence. The paper must present evidence supporting its
claims. Examples of evidence include formalizations and proofs,
implemented systems, experimental results, statistical analyses, and
case studies.
- Clarity. The paper must present its contributions and results
Papers co-authored by members of the Program Committee will be
reviewed solely by members of the External Review Committee and
selected experts from outside the Program Committee.
Paper Categories
All accepted papers, regardless of category, will be published in the
ECOOP’19 formal proceedings.
Research Papers
The Research Papers category is the most traditional paper category,
and solicits high quality research papers that demonstrate advances in
the PL field.
As an alternative to being published in the conference proceedings,
authors may wish to submit research papers to be considered for
publication in ACM TOPLAS or Science of Computer Programming; see
"Journal First" below for more details.
Tool Insights Papers
We welcome submissions in this category that focus on the practical
details of the design and implementation of PL tools -- details that
are often omitted from regular research papers due to space
constraints, despite being fascinating and worthy of communication. A
strong Tool Insights paper should communicate engineering experience
and insights that are likely to be useful to other members of the PL
community who may face similar problems in future. Examples of issues
that Tool Insights papers might focus on include, but are not limited
to: performance, reliability, portability, inter-tool integration,
infrastructure re-use, evaluation issues, theory/practice gaps,
precision/efficiency and soundness/efficiency trade-offs.
Reproduction Studies
Common in other sciences, reproduction means independently
reconstructing an experiment in a different context (e.g., virtual
machine, platform, class of applications) in order to validate or
refute important results of earlier work. A good reproduction study
will include thorough empirical evaluation. It will contain a detailed
comparison with the previous results, seeking reasons for possible
disagreements. A thoroughly-conducted reproduction study that
perfectly replicates an existing experiment and reaches the same
conclusions will be regarded as significant, so long as said
experiment is significant enough to be worthy of reproduction.
Experience Reports
The Experience Reports category solicits articles focussing on
noteworthy applications of known PL techniques, tools and ideas in
interesting domains and by other communities. Examples include, but
are not limited to, applications of PL techniques in industry, open
source, education, and other academic disciplines. We welcome both
reports on successful applications of PL ideas, as well as reports
that shed light on limitations and problems that may provide
inspiration for future research.
The Pearl category solicits articles that explain a known idea in a
new and elegant way, to the benefit of the PL community. A Pearl may
well be shorter than a regular research paper, but there is no hard
requirement on this.
Brave New Ideas
The Brave New Idea paper category solicits forward-looking articles on
ideas in the field of Programming Languages that may take some time to
substantiate, but for which early communication to the community is
likely to be of benefit. For this category we welcome papers that are
particularly conceptually novel or unconventional, and that as a
result may be harder to back up by traditional evaluation methods. A
Brave New Idea paper may well be shorter than a regular research
paper, but there is no requirement for it to be so.
Paper Submission
** See the Journal First section below for alternative journal
submission options **
Only papers that have not been published and are not under review for
publication elsewhere can be submitted. Double submissions will be
rejected without review. If major parts of an ECOOP submission have
appeared elsewhere in any form, authors are required to notify the
ECOOP program chair and to explain the overlap and relationship.
Authors are also required to inform the program chair about closely
related work submitted to another conference while the ECOOP
submission is under review.
ECOOP Proceedings are published by Dagstuhl LIPIcs. Papers must be
written in English and follow the Dagstuhl LIPIcs LaTeX-style
template. Authors retain ownership of their content.
Papers must be no longer than 25 pages, excluding references and
appendices (see below for detailed information about appendices).
This limit applies to all paper categories. However, papers should be
as long as necessary, and not longer: authors will not be penalized
for a paper being shorter than the page limit so long as their paper
otherwise meets the expectations of ECOOP.
Submissions will be carried out electronically via HotCRP.
At least one author of every accepted paper must register for ECOOP
2019 and present their paper.
Reviewing for ECOOP will initially be double-blind: the identity of
reviewers will be anonymous as standard, and authors' identities will
be withheld until a reviewer submits her/his review. Reviewing
becomes single-blind at the point of review submission: the identity
of a given paper's authors will become known to a reviewer when the
reviewer submits his/her review for that paper.
To facilitate the initial double-blind phase, submitted papers must
adhere to two rules:
- Author names and institutions must be omitted
- References to authors' own other work should be in the third person
(e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build
on the work of ...").
When in doubt, contact the Program Chair.
Additional Material
Clearly marked additional appendices, not intended for the final
publication, containing supporting proofs, analyses, statistics, etc.,
may be included beyond the page limit. There is also an option on the
paper submission page to submit supplementary material, e.g., a
technical report including proofs, or web pages and repositories that
cannot easily be anonymised. This material will be made available to
reviewers after the initial reviews have been completed, when author
names are revealed.
Reviewers are under no obligation to examine the appendices and
supplementary material. Therefore, the paper must be a stand-alone
document, with the appendices and supplementary material viewed only
as a way of providing useful information that cannot fit in the page
limit, rather than as a means to extend the page limit.
Authors of papers that have been submitted but not accepted by
previous conferences may optionally submit a Note to Reviewers. The
Note to Reviewers should a) identify the previous venue(s) (e.g., ESOP
2019, POPL 2019, OOPSLA 2018); b) list the major issues identified by
the reviews at those venues; and c) describe the changes made to the
paper in response to those reviews. These notes will be made available
to reviewers after their initial reviews have been completed and
author names have been revealed.
Response Period
Authors will be given a three-day period to read and respond to the
reviews of their papers before the program committee meeting.
Responses have no formal length limit, but concision will be highly
appreciated and more concise responses are likely to be more
The Program Chair will work with the Program Committee to select up to
one paper in each category for recognition via a Distinguished Paper
award. A Distinguished Artifact award will also be made.
Artifact Evaluation
To reward the creation of artifacts and support replication of
experiments, authors of accepted papers (regardless of category) can
submit artifacts, such as tools, data, models, or videos, to be
evaluated by an Artifact Evaluation Committee. Artifacts that are
accepted by the committee will be recognized officially.
Journal First
We have Journal First arrangements with two journals: ACM Transactions
on Programming Languages and Systems, and Elsevier Science of Computer
Please contact the Program Chair if you have questions about the
procedures and dates associated with the Journal First options.
Common to Both Routes
Only regular research papers (not papers in the other ECOOP 2019
categories) are eligible for the Journal First routes.
Only new papers are eligible for the Journal First routes to ECOOP
2019. That is, it is not acceptable to submit an extension of a
previous conference paper, even if the associated journal solicits
extended papers via its standard submission route.
Authors of all accepted Journal First papers will be invited to submit
a short abstract for their paper to appear in the ECOOP 2019
conference proceedings.
Journal First papers will be included along with research papers
submitted directly to the conference when a Distinguished Paper is
Science of Computer Programming Route
See this dedicated web page for full details of how to submit to the
ECOOP 2019 Science of Computer Programming special issue:
Submission deadline: Friday 16 November 2018
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Route
Authors interested in this route should submit their paper to TOPLAS
via its usual submission system, and mark their paper as an ECOOP 2019
submission. The ECOOP Program Chair will then be informed of this
submission and will have some input into the review process.
See this page for more information:
Submission deadline: To allow the TOPLAS review process to complete
in time for publication before ECOOP 2019, Journal First TOPLAS papers
should be submitted no later than Monday 15 October 2018.
More Information
For additional information, please contact the ECOOP Program Chair,
Alastair Donaldson.
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