[TYPES/announce] Associate professor position in formal methods at ENSIIE, EVry, France

dubois catherine.dubois at ensiie.fr
Thu Feb 21 11:14:10 EST 2019

ENSIIE (www.ensiie.fr) is a French engineering school in computer 
science has 2 tenure-track faculty positions. The recruited persons will 
join the laboratory Samovar (CRNS) located in Evry close to ENSIIE.

The positions are:

- *1 Associate Professor in the area of formal methods, formal proof and 
programming languages*

full job description: 

- 1 Associate Professor in the area of mathematical programming, 
operational research and optimization.

full job description: 

Deadline for application is 2019, March 6th (4 P.M., Paris time) and the 
position will start in 2019, on September 1st .
Knowledge of French is mandatory for these positions.

Catherine DUBOIS, professor
ENSIIE, lab. Samovar (UMR 5157)

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