[TYPES/announce] Quantum Physics and Logic 2019: CALL FOR PAPERS

Bob Coecke bob.coecke at cs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 21 19:05:28 EST 2019


16th International Conference on
     Quantum Physics and Logic
     (QPL 2019)

June 10-14, 2019
   Chapman University, Orange,
   California, USA

https://qpl2019.org <https://qpl2019.org/>

* * *

The 16th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic
(QPL 2019) will take place at Chapman University June 10-14, 2019.

The conference brings together researchers working on mathematical
foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing, and related areas,
with a focus on structural perspectives and the use of logical tools,
ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages,
semantical methods, and other computer science techniques applied to
the study of physical behaviour in general. Work that applies
structures and methods inspired by quantum theory to other fields
(including computer science) is also welcome.


  April  1: abstract submission
  April  7: paper submission
  April 30: application for student support
  May   12: notification of authors
  May   17: early registration deadline
  May   24: final papers ready
  June 10-14: conference


  John Baez (UC Riverside)
  Anna Pappa (University College London)
  Joel Wallman (University of Waterloo)


  Ana Belen Sainz (Perimeter Institute)
  Quanlong Wang (University of Oxford)


Prospective speakers are invited to submit one (or more) of the

- Original contributions consist of a 5-12 page extended abstract
  that provides sufficient evidence of results of genuine interest
  and enough detail to allow the program committee to assess the
  merits of the work. Submission of substantial albeit partial
  results of work in progress is encouraged.

- Extended abstracts describing work submitted/published elsewhere
  will also be considered, provided the work is recent and relevant
  to the conference. These consist of a 3 page description and should
  include a link to a separate published paper or preprint.

The conference proceedings will be published in Electronic
Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) after the
conference. Only "original contributions" are eligible to be
published in the proceedings.

Submissions should be prepared using LaTeX, and must be submitted in
PDF format. Use of the EPTCS style is encouraged. Submission is done
via EasyChair:

https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qpl2019 <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qpl2019>

There will be an award for the best student paper at the discretion
of the programme committee. Papers eligible for the award are those
where all the authors are students at the time of submission.


Bob Coecke (co-chair, University of Oxford)
Matthew Leifer (co-chair, Chapman University)
Miriam Backens (University of Oxford)
Giulio Chiribella (University of Oxford)
Stefano    Gogioso    (University of Oxford)
John Harding (New Mexico State University)
Chris Heunen (The University of Edinburgh)
Matthew    Hoban (University of Oxford)
Dominic    Horsman    (University of Durham)
Kohei Kishida (Dalhousie University)
Aleks Kissinger    (Radboud University)
Joachim Kock (UAB)
Ravi Kunjwal (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Martha Lewis (University of Amsterdam)
Dan Marsden (University of Oxford)
David Moore (Pictet Asset Management)
Michael Moortgat (Utrecht University)
Daniel Oi (University of Strathclyde)
Ognyan Oreshkov    (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Anna Pappa (University College London)
Dusko Pavlovic (University of Hawaii)
Simon Perdrix (CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, University of Grenoble)
Neil Ross (Dalhousie University)
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Queen Mary University of London)
Ana Belén Sainz    (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University)
Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam)
Pawel Sobocinski (University of Southampton)
Robert Spekkens    (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Isar Stubbe (Université du Littoral)
Benoît Valiron (LRI - CentraleSupelec, Univ. Paris Saclay)
Jamie Vicary (University of Oxford)
Alexander Wilce (Susquehanna University)
Mingsheng Ying (University of Technology, Sydney)
Margherita Zorzi (University of Verona)
Magdalena Anna Zych (The University of Queensland)


Bob Coecke (University of Oxford)
Prakash Panangaden (McGill University)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University)


Lorenzo Catani (Chapman University)
Justin Dressel (Chapman University)
Matthew Leifer (Chapman University)
Drew Moshier (Chapman University)

For further information, please contact qpl2019 at easychair.org <mailto:qpl2019 at easychair.org>.
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