[TYPES/announce] Last-minute PhD opportunities in Swansea

Berger U. u.berger at swansea.ac.uk
Fri Mar 15 19:45:27 EDT 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Here are last-minute opportunities for two fully funded PhD studentships (details below). They are not specifically aimed at logic but I expect candidates who wish to do a PhD in logic or a related area to have good chances.

If you know of a student who is interested please ask them to email me or Arno (below) so we can help with getting the application together quickly.

The deadline is in one week!

Best wishes,


The Department of Computer Science at Swansea University is offering two fully funded PhD Scholarships to UK/EU applicants (subject to UK residency requirements). One is for a July 2019 start, the other for an October 2019 start. The application deadline is March 23rd. For enquiries, please contact the PGR admissions tutor, Dr Arno Pauly (arno.m.pauly at gmail.com).

Any research area represented at the department is eligible. Our focus areas are:

- Data Science
- Logic and Verification
- Visual Computing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Security


Dr. Ulrich Berger
Department of Computer Science
Bay Campus
Swansea University
Crymlyn Burrows
Swansea SA1 8EN

Office:  Room 337 (Computational Foundry)
Phone    Work +44 1792 513380
         Home +44 1792 533979
Fax           +44 1792 295708
Email    u.berger at swansea.ac.uk
Homepage http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~csulrich/

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