[TYPES/announce] JLC special issue - External and Internal Calculi for Non-Classical Logics

Didier Galmiche Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr
Thu May 2 18:02:27 EDT 2019

Call for papers

Special Issue on External and Internal Calculi for Non-Classical Logics

Journal: Journal of Logic and Computation

Submission Deadline:  September 1, 2019.

Guest editors: Agata Ciabatonni (TU Vienna), Didier Galmiche (LORIA -
Lorraine University), Nicola Olivetti (LSI, Aix-Marseille University),
Revantha Ramanayake (TU Vienna).


This special issue intends to contribute to the current
state-of-the-art of on analytic (external or internal) calculi for
non-classical logics like intuitionistic, modal, epistemic logics,
conditional logics, substructural, resouce logics, and other logical
systems. Among some key points we can mention the relationships
between internal} and external calculi for such logics and also their
use for studying proof-search, automated deduction (proof-theory and
implementation) and also logical properties like decidability,
conservativity, axiomatisations and interpolation.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to the following:

- External and internal calculi for non-classical logics
- Relationships and embeddings (translations) between calculi,
interactions between syntax and semantics
- New calculi for studying problems like decidability, conservativity
and interpolation
- Proof-search and countermodel generation
- Methodologies and tools for translations between calculi
- Implementations of analytic calculi and proof assistants

All submitted papers under this call will be considered following the
high-standard review process of the Journal of Logic and Computation.
We expect submissions to present original contributions of the highest
quality, that have not been previously published in, or submitted to,
another journal.

All submissions should be send as a pdf-file to Didier Galmiche at the
e-mail address  Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr, by September 1, 2019.

If you have in mind to submit a paper to this special issue please send
a message of intention to Didier Galmiche no later than July 31, 2019.

We look forward to receiving your contribution.

Agata Ciabatonni (TU Vienna)
Didier Galmiche (LORIA - Lorraine University)
Nicola Olivetti (LSI, Aix-Marseille University)
Revantha Ramanayake (TU Vienna)

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