[TYPES/announce] CICM 2019: Joint Call for Workshop Papers (OpenMath, LML, GVMM, FVPS), Doctoral Programme Submissions & Participation

Serge Autexier serge.autexier at dfki.de
Thu May 9 10:37:53 EDT 2019

                            Joint Call for
             Workshops Papers (OpenMath, LML, GVMM, FVPS)
                   Doctoral Programme Submissions

         12th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
                            - CICM 2019 -
                           July 8-12, 2019
                    CIIRC, Prague, Czech Republic


Digital and  computational solutions  are becoming the  prevalent means  for the
generation,  communication, processing,  storage  and  curation of  mathematical

CICM  brings  together  the  many   separate  communities  that  have  developed
theoretical  and  practical  solutions  for mathematical  applications  such  as
computation, deduction, knowledge management, and  user interfaces.  It offers a
venue for  discussing problems and  solutions in each  of these areas  and their

In addition  to the  main tracks, CICM  2019 will host  the Exploring  the Mizar
Library tutorial and  4 workshops: Formal Mathematics  for Mathematicians (FMM),
Formal  Verification of  Physical Systems  (FVPS), Large  Mathematical Libraries
(LML), 30th OpenMath Workshop.

This is a call for submissions and participation to the 

 - 30th OpenMath Workshop 
 - Large Mathematics Libraries Workshop (LML 2019) 
 - 4th workshop on Formal Mathematics for Mathematicians (FVMM 2019)
 - 2nd Workshop on Formal Verification of Physical Systems (FVPS 2019)
 - CICM doctoral programm track

More details about workshops and the  doctoral programm are available from their
webpages on the CICM website


* Submissions Deadlines * 

 - OpenMath 2019      continuous until July 1, 2019
 - LML 2019                            May 13, 2019
 - FVMM 2019                           May 13, 2019
 - FVPS 2019                           May 24, 2019
 - CICM doctoral programm track        May 15, 2019

* Registration *

Registration to  CICM 2019  and the  workshops is  open at  the CICM  website or
directly at


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